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Sexual Violence Resources at WWU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

Western, there are many resources available for students to help those who have been through a sexual assault or rape.


One of the most valuable resources is the Consultation and Sexual Assault Support (CASAS). CASAS assists students by giving emotional support to make sure students can be successful in their lives while they go through their healing process.

“Violence can happen to anyone and it’s never the survivors fault. Regardless of your identity, all students are welcome, “stated on CASAS website at Western.

CASAS urges students to use their counseling, medical and legal services if you or someone you know has experienced any kind of violence such as sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, hate crimes etc.


Western Students Against Violence/WEAVE

Western Students Against Violence is another on-campus resource. They are partnered with WEAVE (Western Empowerment And Violence Education). WEAVE is committed to ending all forms of violence by encouraging communication, taking action when violence happens and host events such as women’s self-defense classes that raise awareness on campus and the community. This is a safe place for students to discuss current issues and engage in open dialogue about feminism and gender equality.


Erika Bro, president of Western Students Against Violence, says sexual violence affects many people on campus and in the community. “Western Students Against Violence organizes peaceful demonstrations and encourages open discussions to raise awareness, support survivors, address the harms of slut shaming, and stress that sexual violence is never the survivors fault,” says Bro.


Please remember that acts of sexual violence are not always preventable. Most survivors of sexual violence know their perpetrator.


Additionally, there are other resources and reporting options Western offers to students who have experienced acts of violence:

Counseling and Support Resources

Reporting Options

Schlesinger, Old Main

345, (360) 650-3307, Sue.Guenter-Schlesinger@wwu.edu




I am a senior at Western Washington Univeristy studying communication studies and public relations. I love to read, write, hang out with friends, shop and love my dogs! 
I am currently a senior at Western Washington University. I am majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communication Studies. I am passionate about using my marketing skills to empower women.