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Getting Through a Rough Final as Told By Shia LaBeouf

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

At first, a final can be pretty intimidating. Especially when it counts for a big percentage of your grade. Shia LaBeouf accurately represents the emotions that spiral through our minds while our final quickly approaches. 

A few hours before going into the final, we get that sense that we have studied enough. We may feel confident, or overwhelmed. But the ultimate feeling is that we have a chance of really making this final a good one, regardless of how hard it will be. Our minds are about to explode with the amount of knowledge we have managed to cram into them.


The professor begins handing out the final, and feelings of ” blanking” begin to emerge. What were those last five points we just tried to speed study? 


When you reach the first trick question on the exam, you briefly look up and wonder if anyone else is experiencing the same thing. Items A, B, C and E could all be the correct answer! 

Half way through the exam, you are feeling fairly confident. But it’s time for a moment to let your brain breathe a little from all the hard work its doing. You take a sip of your coffee or tea that you picked up before the exam in order to keep on powering the remaining fifty questions. 


You stumble upon one of the hardest questions in the entire exam. But don’t fret, don’t lose hope. The end of the exam is near, don’t let one question get in the way of your success! 


The last question stares you in the eyes as you bubble in that last answer. You pack up your things, stand up and turn in the last exam for that class of the quarter. Whatever the grade you get, be proud of yourself for all of the hard work and effort you put into the class!

We wish you the best of luck on finals!

Kylee Morgan. WWU. 21 years old. Communications and PR enthusiast. WWU Campus Correspondent.