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Emily Thompson: A New Awesome Edition to Western’s Symphonic Orchestra

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

Emily Thompson is a freshman who is involved with the Symphonic Orchestra at WWU. She spends hours practicing for the program, and has decided to dedicate part of her time in college to her passion for music.



What instrument do you play?

             I play the cello.

How and when did you get involved in Orchestra and music?

             When I was nine years old I started playing cello. I tried a lot of other extra-curricular activities but nothing really stuck, but my parents were determined for me to get in to an activity so I tried out the cello. I was just naturally drawn to it, so I’ve continued playing.

What was the auditioning process?

             I had to go to play for a couple people. It wasn’t too long of a process. I’m sure that going after a music major is completely different though, and I don’t know much about that.

What do you like the most about being in Orchestra?

             I enjoy making music and art and I want to share it with the people around me. I also really like the relationships that I’ve made in orchestra.

Do you recommend being involved in music your first year of college?

             Yes, I think that its really interesting, especially if you’re a musician. It’s a good to make time to be a musician. I know a lot of people just sort of stopped when they got to college, but I don’t really see the point in that.

How frequently does the orchestra meet up?

             Twice a week, it’s a class.

What have you enjoyed about WWU the most so far?

             What I enjoy the most about western is probably all the people that I’ve met, and being so close to the water, mountain, and trees.

Do you see yourself continuing in music for the next few years?

             Yeah, I’s not really the major that I want to puruse, but I would like to keep playing music for the rest of my life if it’s possible.