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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

If you are like me, morings are your worst enemy. You want to get as much sleep as possible. But if you have to be on campus all day, eating a good breakfast is super important. Here are some breakfast ideas for your crazy mornings. 

  • Eggs – However you like to make your eggs, they are a pretty quick thing to make in the morning and are a good source of protein. You can add some things like tomatoes, muchrooms, cheese, or spinach to make them super yummy and more filling. If you don’t have a stove, you can easily make your eggs by putting them in a mug and popping them in the microwave for a couple minutes.


  • Fancy Toast – Some nice, whole grain toast is a very filling breakfast and can really start your day off. You can put anything from jam and peanut butter on it with some chia seeds or stick to just some avocado. Very fast and easy and you can even take it with you while you get to class. 
  • Cereal/Oatmeal – Both classics. Cereal and oatmeal are both so simple to make and you should really keep one around all the time for mornings when you dont really want to make anything. ​



  • Breakfast Bars – For mornings when you are really in a hurry, it is always good to keep bars around so you can grab one and go. Just stock up on a few of your favs so you are always prepared. 
  • Coffee – Not only does it help me when I am extra tired, but it fills me up a little in the mornings. I love having coffee in the morning but I can get bored of it sometimes. Of course you can try different creamers, but just adding a little cinnamon with the creamer you already have makes such a big difference. You could also freeze some coffee in an ice cube tray if you want some cold caffiene. ​