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Amelia Wolfe ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

Name: Amelia Wolfe

Age: 21

Hometown: Tacoma, WA

Relationship Status: Happily single

Graduation Date: Spring 2017

Major: Communication Studies 

Q: How Did You choose Your Major?

A: Well, I figured that I’m going to be communicating with people the rest of my life…might as well be good at it! Also, I’m really passionate about interpersonal communication, so that spurred my decision too. 

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Pineapple 

Q: What is your favorite book?

A:. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver 

Q: What would you say is your favorite movie?

AWhen Harry Met Sally 

Q: Are you a cat or dog person?

A: Cat 

Q: What do you love most about WWU?

A: Being so close to our beautiful bay, and all the outdoor excursions in the area! 

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: Running, yoga, being in the sun and at the beach, hiking, painting, Ayurvedic medicine, campfires 

Q: Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?

A:  I tag along with the cycling team for team rides! 

Q: Who is your celebrity crush?

A:  Bradley Cooper **sigh** 

Q: What’s your idea of a perfect date?

A: Sunset and a picnic 

Q: How would you describe your ideal romantic partner?

A:  Kind, devoted, athletic, humorous, tall 

Q: What is your life motto?

A: Groove is in the heart 

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?

A: Owning a beach front yoga studio in Hawaii 

Q: What is something people don’t know about you?

A:  I went on a shark dive last month! 

Q: What is something still on your Western bucket list?

A: Skinny dipping at Teddy Bear Cove 

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve?

A: People talking down to you. 

Q: What is the best job you’ve ever had?

A:  Getting paid to bake cookies and listen to classic rock. 

Q: If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

A: Galapagos Islands…there’s so much virgin nature! 

Q: What are three things you couldn’t survive the day without?

A: Water, hair tie, chapstick 

Q: What is your best quality?

A: Sunny disposition :) 

Q: Where is your favorite study spot?

A: 4th floor of Wilson at a window table 

Q: Who are your favorite musical artists?

A: The Beatles, Jack Johnson, Arctic Monkeys 

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

A: Teleportation. Because traffic? Ain’t nobody got time for that. 

Q: Word of advice for incoming freshmen?

A: Be a friendly person. There are so many situations where we don’t reach out to or even acknowledge other people because it’s awkward. But we aren’t here very long – embrace the awkwardness, say hi, and make someone’s day. 

 Q: What are you excited for in the future?

A: Spending my days in salt and sunshine, having a family, and making other people feel happy and loved.

Danika is a student at Western Washington University where she is majoring in English Creative Writing and minoring in Writing Studies. She's an avid reader and aspiring young adult/children's literature publisher. Her interests include intramural sports, traveling, Harry Styles, and all things Disneyland. Follow her on twitter or check out her website.