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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.


A menagerie of quirks

Piled eclectically—

One atop another,

And out of these

I’ve stitched myself a life.

I am the first three lines

Of a million books

I got too into my daydreams to read—

At least twenty barren romances

Over a two month period,

Not wishing myself upon you

Because it’s the time to live my life

For me to love me

And it

And the beauty of nature;


I am a concept floating around in a body

That I spend time decorating

Like it’s a first apartment.


I am lipstick;

I am a grand total of three facial expressions…

And giggling at my own curse words,

And getting smashed just to

Watch an art film on my birthday

Because it makes me happier than going out;


I am my faults

And my successes,

And I realize that no matter the circumstances,

I’ll eventually pick myself up

And live on happily—


Making art from broken things.