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Loving Your Body After Gaining Weight

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

It can be hard to adapt when we’ve gained more weight than we’d like. It is so easy to immediately criticize our bodies and scour the internet for quick weight loss tips so we can get back to the weight we once were. However, we still have to live life in the process of “getting to our ideal weight.” So, how do we live in a body that we feel has disappointed us with a little weight gain?

First off, do not beat yourself up about gaining weight. It is a normal bodily function, and your body is NOT against you. You may not want to accept where your body is at that very moment, but you must accept that your body is only doing what it is anatomically designed to do – and that is keep you alive. Burning and storing fat cells is a necessary function of life! 


Do not start skipping meals. Not only will it wreak havoc on your metabolism and blood sugar, but when you are hungry, you normally are not in the best mood, and this can just make you want to beat yourself up even more. When you get in this state, it is easy to succumb to emotional eating or binging, which will only make you feel guiltier afterwards.


You have to realize that people are not constantly staring at you or thinking “Oh my god, did she put on a couple pounds?”

Trust me! We convince ourselves that when we are self-conscience of a body part, everyone around use must be staring directly at our flaws. This is simply not true. Most people are too worried hiding their own insecurities to magnify the flaws of the people around them.


You may need to buy some new clothes. If you are planning on trying to get the weight off immediately, that’s fine, but you still need clothes to wear that will fit and flatter your body while you work towards your goal. So, even if you go to the local thrift store to buy some temporary clothes that will fit you, it is better than squeezing into clothes that obviously do not flatter your body at the moment. You will always look and feel better when your clothes fit!


Remember, feeling better about yourself will only help you work towards your goals. Surround yourself with people who will help you, not hinder you or make you feel bad about yourself. Weight gain is not permanent.

Your body will always be changing. It is a part of what makes us beautiful and amazingly adaptive creatures.


My wish to you is to please be gentle with yourself.

Stay Positive, Ladies!



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I am adopted from Russia and was raised in West Virginia. I am a double major in English (Writing Concentration) and Musical Theatre. I love art in many different forms be it writing, singing, acting, drawing/painting, or design. I adore fashion and it has helped me become the person that I want to be in life. I am a very open person and love talking to people, so feel free to ask me anything! I am honored to be a part of the Her Campus team and I hope that my writing will bring you a smile. If I'm not in the theater or typing up my version of the great American fashion column, you can always hear me coming from the click of my heels. My advice to all: Stay classy!