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When Getting In The Mood Goes Wrong

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

Valentines Day is just around the corner, and if you aren’t feeling the love we have some stories to make you not ever want to. Anonymous WVU students sent us here at HerCampus their worst moments when the heat of love went cold.

Here is when the getting in the mood goes wrong….WVU edition…..

“ My boyfriend and I had started started dating. It was kinda new and we were still getting to know each other. We were in bed ‘getting in the mood’. All of a sudden the fire alarm is going off and I see my pillow in flames from a candle next to my bed. The boy ran out of the room to the sink with the flaming pillow naked. Good thing my roommates were there to see.” 

“ It had been a wild night of partying and this boy and I began to ‘get into the mood’. The next morning I feel a tap on my shoulder along with the question, ‘ Did you pee?’ Turns out I had peed the bed, and all over the guy. It was a long, silent car ride home.”

“ My ex boyfriend and I went to McDonalds one day and I was really hungry. I ordered a fancy supreme burger with a Oreo McFlurry. We ate our food in the parking lot, and after I had no desire for sex. But a few minutes later when we got home, we began to ‘get into the mood’ . Since I had no desire, mixed with McDonalds, I ended up throwing up all over him. He was so grossed out that he began throwing up too.” 

“ It was formal and my date and I were having a great time. We decided we would ‘get into the mood’ in a storage closet. It was great until the manager of the hotel caught us.”

“ One time I went home from WVU for just the weekend. Called up a girl and she came over. We began to ‘get into the mood’ when my little sister and her friend walked in to see everything in action. I’m pretty sure my sister’s friend cried.”

“ My girlfriend and I used to always ‘get in the mood’  in the Towers girl’s shower…..the furthest one on the left. One time I went in to the shower and I heard the water in the far left shower. I walk in and slap the girls ass only to find out it wasn’t my girlfriend.”