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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

As a community of writers, this is our passion. We write. We inform. We persuade. We create movements. We manifest emotions.

No matter what style or genre you write, it does not matter. It does not matter if this is a profession or a hobby. Getting the thoughts in your head to the tips of your fingertips, no matter the medium, is all that truly matters.

Whether you write to sleep, write to breathe, write to convey the things within yourself that have no other escape but through the words you put in front of your face – never stop writing. Never stop when life gets bad and you can’t find the right words to express a situation. Never stop when life is going so well that you feel as though you don’t need to write about these experiences. Never stop when you just want to give up and never pick up a pencil or open a writing document again. Never stop when you don’t feel as though there isn’t enough time in the world; there is, make time. Never stop when everything is so confusing and it feels as though no one will listen.

We are all born to illustrate these words into much more than just black and white letters. These are not just simple combinations of 26 letters that form coherent thoughts; no, these are stories and feelings and passions and daydreams and larger-than-life concepts.  We are all born to transform these words into works of hope and works of grief. We are all born to make words make sense in such an insensible world.  

We are all writers. Never stop writing.  

Greetings! My name is Graeson Baker and I am currently a junior PR major here at WVU. For more info about me, feel free to check out my personal website at http://www.graesonbrooke.co.
I am originally from Westchester, New York. I came to WVU for my undergrad in Strategic Communications with an emphasis on Public Relations and a minor in Sports Communication. My involvment on campus includes blogging for Her Campus, a sister of Alpha Phi, the assistant director of the media team on the Mountaineer Maniacs executive board and lastly, an athletic communications intern with the WVU Athletic Communications office. I will be graduating in May of 2017 and I am looking forward to getting started with my future career in Journalism and Public Relations!