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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.


You never think that it’ll happen to someone you know.  A few days ago, I got the worst news that I’ve gotten in a while. My best friend called me in tears and told me about the tragic event that had just taken place. A girl that went to our high school had gone missing at the University of Virginia at about 1:30 am on Saturday, September 12, 2014. She was last seen walking home alone from a party and has since not been found. I’m not stressing campus safety just because I had classes with this girl or because I watched her walk across the stage to receive her diploma, I’m stressing it because campus safety is a crucial component to a happy and successful college experience. I believe that every single one of the students here at West Virginia can work to make sure that this campus is a safe environment. You alone can do small things to make this campus a safer place. 

5. Sending an “Everyone Home Safe?” text to everyone you went out with that night 

Sending this text is so underappreciated and under practiced but it really is so important. It lets your friends know that you care enough about them to make sure they got home, or wherever they’re staying for that night, safely. 

4. Don’t be alone at a party 

If you came with a group to a party, you stay with them, especially if the party is being thrown by some of your friends that the group you came with may not know. There’s nothing worse than standing alone at a party because you don’t know anyone. 

3. Never leave someone you know alone with a stranger 

As I stated in #4, there’s nothing worse than being left alone at a party where you don’t know anyone. That said, you never know who could come along and talk to you while you’re standing alone. Just avoid this situation altogether and stick by your friend’s side. 

2. Download the “Find My Friends” App 

My roommate made me download this app the other day. It allows your friends to see where you are at all times, provided you give them permission to of course. It lets your friends or roommates know that you’re safe without even sending a text. 

1. Never, Ever Under any circumstances walk home alone

This should be a given, but it often times isn’t practiced. I can’t recall the number of times that I’ve walked home alone. If you notice your friend leaving a party or she says she wants to leave, grab another friend and walk her home safely. You can always come back later. If you go out with guys, there should be no question; they should automatically offer to walk you home. It’s just the polite thing to do. Campus is the most dangerous at night, so the best way to stay safe is practice the buddy system.