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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

You perfected your resume, job searched for hours, handed out dozens of applications and finally got a call back for an interview! The very first step is to celebrate with a nice big glass of wine then go on to read this article to find better steps to get the job you dreamed of. These are some tips that I personally have found to be very useful while interviewing. 

1. The real step one is to dress comfortably. 

There are many rights and wrongs to what you should wear on an interview, but the main thing is to be totally comfortable and confident no matter what you choose to put on. The last thing you should be focused on is tugging at your top to make sure your ladies are tucked away or awkwardly walking in heals that you clearly should not be wearing. Some things will work for you and work better on others. You should be focused on what you are saying and not what you are wearing. 

2. Bring up what you love

Your interviewer is going to ask about what you do or how you would react to certain situations. When you get the chance to bring up a subject you love, it will be easy for you, and you will sound engaged in the conversation. It won’t be forced.

3. Be remembered….

…For the right reasons. Do something or say something that will make you be remembed. This could be something funny, a personal connection, a bold jacket. Something that will make you stand out, so when they flip through your resume, they aren’t just looking back at a name, but a face or a pleasent memory of you.

4. Dont’ forget to ask a question or two

Let’s face it. Nobody likes a know it all. We all can think of that one person in class who had an answer for everything, and all we wanted to do was smack them in the head. This goes for interviews as well. Yes, you should do your research and understand the company, but you should also leave room for intelligent questions at the conclusion of the interview. As a rule of my own, I like to ask two serious questions and a silly one. The last interview I went on was for a baseball park. At the end of my interview when my questions were done, I asked him who his favorite player was growing up. Kept it light but also relevent to the field I wanted to work for. Plus, people like to talk about themselves whenever they can!

5. Do not answer right away

In life, I tend to just say the first thing that pops into my little brain without thought. When you take a second to really think about the question that was asked, you are putting thought into your answer. When you answer right away, it seems too rehearsed and not natural. This goes back to number 4. Don’t be a know it all. Take the time to think about what you are saying. Answering right away to every single question makes you look like you just have the answer to everything. On the flip side, don’t take your sweet time with every single question either. You do not want to seem like a dud. Find that balance.

6. Practice!

Try to think of questions you could be asked. Think of questions  you wouldn’t want to be asked, so you can be a little prepapred for those tough questions. You may think you are sitting normally and talking normally, but when you do a mock interview, you may find out you are awkward or find yourself saying “um” a lot. 

7. Lastly, have fun

Don’t be too stressed out. Have a conversation and just have fun. You’ll be better off when you are in a good mood and happy. Smile and show you aren’t going to be the boring person in the office!

Good luck to those going on your interviews!

 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"