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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Love starts with you!


Romantic love is sometimes confusing, and you are not sure if it is real or just an illusion. We let our emotions drive us, but our mind isn’t in the ride, our heart in the hand of one we call “mine” our valentine. It’s cliché to say that you need to love you first, but think of why it’s true! Why do we think it is okay for our lovers to say what they say? The love you have for you would have not allowed it. We sit in distraught waiting for the first call or text, but confidence will let you pursue no hesitation. Self-love is a journey, the hardest relationship to ever manage. One where you can never walk away from, stays with you a lifetime, no breaks or spaces. There are many trials and tribulations and many tears to fill an ocean. It’s the thoughts that keep you up at night and the fight that we have with ourselves that stays in our mind. There is no longer lasting commitment than the one to yourself. The build to where there is peace, love and all around happiness. No one can ever build and break you, if you built yourself and you know all your pieces.

This valentine’s day remember the real and first love in your life, YOU.

Born and raised in New Jersey, Bergen County, Journalism major. Writing creativly is my passion. I put my emotion in everything I write. I wish to write for a music based website or magazine and do interviewing and have my music be heard. 
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"