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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Depression is something that we all know or have heard of. Some of us may even have suffered from it. But one thig that I know I never thought of was elderly depression. We all have our own feelings of the holidays that can bring sadness due to the fact that yet again I have no honey to shop for or kiss when the ball drops. We all grow up and move on with our lives. We always put our own wants and wishes first but rarely think about those who may need us more than we think. Nursing homes are filled with people waiting to share their own joys and their happiness during the holidays yet nobody shows up. Many older people sit alone in their rooms and don’t get to interact with others. This can be a time that people are reminded of how lonely they are. Loved ones who have passed and grandchildren who never visit. It is so important to remind our elders that we remember them and we still love them. A time will come when they are no longer in our life and we will wish we spent more time with them. All four of my grandparents have passed and I wish that I had spent more time with them while they were here. My grandmother loved Christmas and would spend days decorating the house and making tons of cookies for all of us grandchildren. Now that she is gone all I have are the memories in my heart. Even if you no longer have grandparents I encourage you and challenge you to extend your hand and make some old person’s day because they matter to. As somebody who has battled with depression I understand how good it makes me feel when somebody goes out of their way to do something nice for me. When somebody sits down and looks you in the eye and says “How are you really doing,” shows compasion that they are not just asking but really care. Depression is not a joke and needs to be taken seriously. Keep a smile on your face and every good deed will make you feel and will help somebody else out. 

 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"