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The 5 People You’ll See on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Oh, Valentine’s Day. A day filled with chocolates, gifts, anatomically-incorrect hearts, couples making smoochy-faces at each other, and a baby in a diaper shooting a bow and arrow (seriously, why?). Whether you’re in a relationship or single and lovin’ it, there seems to be no escape from this ever-romantic holiday… and the characters that come with it. Her Campus WPUNJ takes a look at the five people you’re pretty much guaranteed to see this Valentine’s Day.

1. The sickening couple

In case if anyone hasn’t noticed,there is always that one over the top lovey-dovey couple. They are the couple that are attatched to each other at the hips — and lips, for that matter. And on this particular romantic day, the girl usually screams and overreacts to his suprises as if she didn’t expect them.

Their catchphrase: “For me? O-M-G. I can’t believe it! You totally shouldn’t have!”/ “I love you sooooo much!”

2. The loner

While others proudly flaunt roses and teddy bears, there are those who loathe Valentine’s Day to its core. They hate all the couples, flowers, gifts — basically the whole “commercialized” day. This person is grouch, and you’ll probably hear them complaining about Hallmark all day.

Their catchphrase: “Valentine’s Day pretty much only exists so that greeting card companies make money. It’s a stupid holiday, really.”

3. The hopeless romantic

That one guy. You know the one. You can ignore him to no end, push him away, maybe even yell “Go away, Roger!*” at the top of your lungs, but no matter what, nothing can stop him from trying to get your attention. And we can lie all we want, but (for the most part) we secretly love it. (*Sister, Sister reference FTW.)

Their catchphrase: “Will you go out with me? No? How about next week? Next year? No? But– But I love you!”

4. The depressed single

If you are in a relationship, or indulge in any Valentine’s Day festivities, you may want to steer clear of the depressed single. You know them. Unlike the also-single loner, this is the guy or girl that just gets sad the instant they see any type of couple intereaction. Every aspect of this day is just a reminder that they are single, and man, do they let it show!

Their catchphrase: “Oh, man, I hate being single!”

5. The unimpressed girl

Nothing phases this girl. No amount of gifts, romantic gestures, or smooth words can woo her. Guys would jump through hoops to get to her, but she remains unconvinced and will not sucumb to any man’s charms. But really, she’s just a little too high-maintenance for her own good. (If this is you, maybe go a little easier on your beau this year. At least he tried.)

Their catchphrase: “That’s it?”

Ashley is a senior majoring in print journalism and minoring in public relations. She hopes to one day write for a magazine like Glamour or NYLON or work at a publishing house as an editor . Besides writing, her other passions include: reading, photography, music, and animals. On her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with her best friends and taking long drives.
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"