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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

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Homecoming at William and Mary is a time for students to celebrate the College and for alumni to return home. On Friday, there is a big homecoming parade.  Alumni, students, and townspeople line Richmond Road and await the student organization’s floats to pass by. Each float is nicely decorated and full of cheering students.  Everyone is dressed in green and gold and full of tribe pride.  

Homecoming is about welcoming back the successful alumni that we hope to be one day.  It is the chance to return home and be fully embraced by your tribe family.  The tribe comes together to celebrate William and Mary and the times we have had here.  The wonderful memories of late night Swem sessions, the times you and your roommate shared skillet cookies, and the time you and your best friend cried together about life.  Although these seem like small and sometimes awful moments, these will be the times you remember. Homecoming is a time to remember why you chose W&M and what you love about this place.  I think it is perfectly timed during the stressful times of midterms season.  It is a nice break and a reminder of how we truly are one tribe, one family.  

During the many stressful times, always remember this is your home.  One day you will be returning and looking back at all of the memories you’ve made.  Make the best of your time here because it will be over before you know it. We hope to see you at homecoming!!