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Prioritizing Alone Time Through Nail Painting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

An at-home nail salon is the best way to destress.

There’s nothing more therapeutic for me than painting my nails; to say that painting them myself has been life-changing would be an understatement. Even so, I often find myself paying to get them done for the long-lasting gel. 

At last, I’ve been able to combine the two. I’ve crafted my own nail salon where I can burn a candle, wear pajamas, watch the Kardashians on TV, and of course, enjoy the therapy of painting my own nails.

De-stressing is a necessity that can be so difficult to find during the school year amidst the flurry of classes, homework and extracurriculars. Setting up my own at-home salon in my bedroom or kitchen, with my LED lamp, rainbows of gel colors and little tools to shape and define my nails has given me the opportunity to find my perfect outlet for de-stressing. 

I value my alone time, but in college it can be difficult to find. When I’m on campus I always feel as though I should be running around with friends, and when I’m not, I feel as though I’m missing out. Knowing myself, I know I need time alone, and being able to do my nails with my fancy new set-up keeps me from feeling the dreaded FOMO. 

Having my new little nail set-up has benefited me in many ways. I’m saving money doing my nails myself instead of paying to get them done, I’m prioritizing my alone time, and I’m practicing my nail-painting skills that I’ve lost over the years! I’ve always enjoyed having time to myself and I hope to find other activities that I enjoy doing alone, especially during the stressful times in college.

Beth Shoop

Wisconsin '25

Hi, my name is Beth! I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but I am currently a Junior at UW Madison studying Journalism, specifically Reporting and Strategic Communication! I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences, interests, and newfound knowledge!