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books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash

Midterms as told by the cast of “Fuller House”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

It comes every semester: the all-nighters, the constant worrying and the nonstop headaches. Most of our time is spent plowing through textbooks and notes, trying to somehow comprehend all the information from the lectures we have missed. There is no doubt in my mind that anyone could possibly enjoys midterms especially when they could rather by Netflixing. If we were to describe our pain to the Tanner/Fuller family not only would they sympathize, here is how they would react:

When you arrive in the classroom the day of your exam, feeling all nervous and jittery.

Definitely can’t remember anything now.

When your professor and TAs ask you to close all your notes and turn off your cellphones…

There is no going back!

When you open your exam booklet

Are they kidding me?

When you see a question on the exam that appears to be written in gibberish

Maybe I should’ve gone to more lectures…

When you reach the end of the exam and breathe the biggest sigh of relief.

When all the kids in your class start discussing their answers and none of them match with yours.

When the week isn’t over yet and you still have three more midterms and a paper due by Friday.

Looks like you’re staying in on Thursday.

When the week is almost done and the party is just about to begin again

And finally when your friends ask you if midterms are over and you can happily say…

Time to get down to business and study strong Badgers! Lets power through this week and then the Netflixing can recommence!