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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Warning: I am not a credible source

So as you probably already know, Taylor Swift just dropped a new album, Midnights. Now, I love me some Taylor, and I do have a lot of her songs on my playlists. However, all the talk I’ve been seeing about the album is from people who have dedicated hours to finding Easter Eggs in every song she’s made in her life to try and connect it. Props to them, because I’m really impressed, but my thoughts aren’t going to be that deep. I’m just going to preface this review by putting that out there. Feel free to listen along as you read because these thoughts will make more sense.

Lavender Haze

This song gave me playing-in-Kohl’s vibes. Don’t get me wrong, it was a bop, but this is definitely a song for the radio. It’s a song I think I might be sick of eventually because it seems like it would be overplayed. I could see it making an appearance at high school homecomings. My favorite part is the word “melancholia”; I want to start using that.


Already in the first couple beats of this song, I could tell I liked the beat and instrumentals better. The thing I like a lot about this song is the way the words are timed. You know how in Catholic hymns it seems like they have no sense of how the words fit into the verses but they just stick a whole sentence in a few bars anyway? It gives me that vibe, but in a good way. I like it. Also, the passion in the final chorus really drives it home.


This song fits in a category with songs like Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears and Good Grief by Bastille; the beat makes you happy but the lyrics make you sad. I really enjoyed the lyricism of this song, like “altruism like some sort of congressman”. Damn, Taylor! It was a little bit dark but I was in awe and quite impressed.

Snow on the Beach (feat. Lana Del Rey)

Before I even started, I was excited for this one because of Lana Del Rey. After listening to the first couple lines, I already understand the title. It’s cool; I never would have thought of that analogy. I listened to this song when I was walking down the street and it felt like a movie. It’s very cinematic and I can definitely see it being in a movie. My one grievance is I wish Lana Del Rey had a verse because I just know it would be angelic. The vocals in this song are already incredible, I can’t imagine how powerful her verse would be.

You’re on your own, kid

Wow. I’m glad I am in a stable place in my life when hearing this song. Otherwise, it would have broken me. There is a bittersweet feeling to this song. For some reason, the line “I didn’t choose this town” tears at my heartstrings even though I’ve loved everywhere I’ve lived. Taylor has magic powers. The bridge towards the end was my favorite part. It gave me driving-fast-with-the-sunlight-on-your-face vibes.


I’m sorry Taylor, but what is that voice at the beginning? It scared me. This song really resonated with me in the sense of realizing that I might be the problem. The line “I broke his heart because he was nice” and the line about thinking about them at midnight hit too close to home. Ouch, Taylor.


Man I love it when Taylor swears. It’s somehow so angelic. I also really liked her singing voice in its lower register. She isn’t normally there, so it’s always a treat.


I love this one. I’m definitely listening to it next time I’m all dressed up and feeling confident. She’s definitely showing her baddie side in this song. The lines about dressing for revenge reminded me of Princess Diana’s revenge dress.


I really liked all the analogies and lyricism in this song about how you trusted them but they screwed you over. I had a bad breakup this way a few months ago so it hit home.


I have mixed feelings. I like the lyrics and it applies to my life. However, the musical value wasn’t there for me. I low key got bored and it took too long to build. Skip.


I like this one better. It’s catchy enough to be a pop song on the radio but underground enough that it won’t get played every 10 minutes and I won’t get sick of it.


I really like the instrumentals on this one. The tune is also super cool. For some reason, it gives me a really nostalgic feeling. I like that.


I’m not reviewing this. It’s a TikTok trend. Find it there.

In conclusion, I actually really liked this album. It was the right amount of upbeat and also music that’ll put you in your feels. Taylor never fails to impress me and I added most of these songs to my playlist right away.

Elizabeth Yray

Wisconsin '26

UW Madison freshman, first year writing for Her Campus