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How To: Lose a Girl in Ten Days

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


We have all seen the infamous movie, “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days” and all laughed of pure enjoyment from Kate Hudson working it out on Matthew McConaughey.  What’s not funny though, is when the roles are reversed and the male figures in our lives are turning us off…real, real badly.  

So here it is: the top reasons how a guy will lose a girl their interested in.   

  1. Manifest into a Couch Potato

This is pretty much self-explanatory.  Us women want a man with drive and aspirations in life.  Sitting on the couch all day vacuuming the Frosted Flakes crumbs off of your beer belly won’t cut it for us.  Get out and make something of your life!

  1. Brag About Your Daddy’s Money

Honestly boys, no lady finds any attraction in you while using your parent’s debit card at the grocery store or out to dinner.  Not making your own money or calling your mom each weekend to fill-up your account is far from impressive in the woman’s eye.  Get your big boy panties on and earn some of your own $$mula$$.


  1. Sub-tweet

You will be sure to lose a girl quickly if you constantly sub-tweet about your woman negatively.  If you have something to say, let her know.  Trust me, she would rather have you explain to her face what’s bothering you instead of figuring it out from the glossed-over, dramatic tweet.


  1. Shower Once a Week

Not showering daily and suffering in the hygienic department is a sure way to lose your girl.  I think we can all relate to the morning breath your boy-toy has when you both wake up or the smell of men after a sweaty day in the sun.  We will be sure to leave in a heartbeat if the stench is strong!


  1. Leave Your Manners at Home

All of us dream of our Prince Charming who pays for every meal, holds the door for us and uses proper etiquette while in public.  The problem, however, is some guys are notorious for forgetting how to treat a lady with the correct manners.  Most of the guys in my apartment complex will exit off the elevator before giving me the chance to…total turnoff!


  1. Maintain Too Much Testosterone

Macho-macho men definitely have some of us head-over-heels for them because of their killer bods, but then there are the beef heads…Nothing is wrong with a hot, masculine physique; I don’t think any of us women would complain.  But, being too cocky about your body and flaunting your six-pack and protruding calves by no means will have the women flocking to you.


  1. Ditch Errday

When you and your hot woman have a beautiful, romantic date that has been planned for weeks, make sure to decide to go out with friends that night instead or forget all together that you two even planned it.  That will without a doubt have your woman walking out the door screaming, “talk to the hand you low life”…pretty harsh I know.  Men, do not ditch it’s as simple as that.


  1. Take Profile Selfies

I still have trouble wrapping my head around men taking “selfies” and uploading it as their Facebook profile picture.  None of us find it attractive when your hand it near your jock and you’re in your mothers bathroom snapping numerous pictures of yourself.

  1. Lurk 24/7

When you girls are at a party, in class, at the grocery store or walking down the street and you continuously run into the same guy, chances are he may be lurkin’ ya.  Men, you are definitely going to become identified as the “weirdo” if you continue this.  Sure it can be exciting to unexpectedly run into the girl your crushing on, but please do not start lurking…that’s just creepy.


  1. Become an Angry Drunk

On a more serious note, it can become very frightening for a woman when her boyfriend becomes violent while drinking.  No one deserves to be disrespected and victimized by another person; leave that boy and never go back!


So there you ladies have it!  These ten reasons are definite ways of us losing interest in our male counterparts.  For all of you men out there hopefully reading this, take some of these tips to heart to avoid losing your crushes/girlfriends!

Until next time,
