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How to: Avoid Ugly Spring Allergies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


Over 35 million people in the United States suffer from spring allergies, myself included. Itchy throat and eyes, stuffy nose, headaches, fatigue and coughing are among many of the horrid symptoms from allergies.

With spring approaching, I have come up with several remedies to kick those spring allergies to the curb!

  1. Steer clear of pollen

Pollen is found in flowers and they are a common allergen. Pollen counts are highest in the early morning and late afternoon time, so plan your outdoor activities accordingly. The best time to go outside is after it rains because it helps clear pollen from the air.

  1. Wear sunglasses outside

This is an easy way to steer clear from pollen getting in your eyes! Wearing sunglasses outside when it’s sunny and flowers are blooming will mitigate your itchy eyes symptom!

  1. Eat some honey!

Honey surprisingly enhances your resistance to pollen, so eat up and enjoy that honey!

  1. Purchase hypo-allergenic sheets and pillows

My roommate suffers from allergies year round, so her infamous remedy is using hypo-allergenic sheets and pillows. These sheets and pillows keep dust mites out of your bed. They also are made with synthetic material rather than down or other natural fibers which trigger allergy symptoms.

  1. Bring Kleenex to class

No one likes listening to the kid with the sniffles, so bring Kleenex to class! At least this way you can clear your nose.

If all of these natural remedies don’t solve your ugly spring allergies, you can also try taking Benadryl or Claritin. These medications help alleviate your symptoms!