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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Activities to Get in the Autumn Mood

It’s fall! While it’s usually my favorite season, lately it has simply not felt like fall yet. I’m sure it’s the fact that it’s October and still 80 degrees out in Wisconsin, but nonetheless, I would like to embrace autumn. So, here are some of my plans to help make it feel more like fall!

1. Fall movie marathon

This one is obvious and basic, but it’s listed for good reason. Getting together with your friends and having a cozy movie night is one of my favorite fall activities! My friends and I have already had a couple of these this semester just because there are so many good movies and different niches of fall films out there. So far, we’ve had a Dead Poets Society, Goodwill Hunting and Mona Lisa Smile night, which was emotional but worth it. And you can’t go wrong with classic Disney Halloween movies like Twitches and Halloweentown. I’m currently about to start Sleepless in Seattle and When Harry Met Sally, which is the perfect fall rom-com duo. 

2. Baking

I’ve been saying for the past month that I want to bake pumpkin bread, and since I’m not feeling the fall energy right now, it seems like the perfect time to finally do it. Banana bread is also a great alternative if you’re not that into pumpkin-y stuff. Or, if you hate baking, you can always pick up some fall-themed treats from Trader Joe’s and get the same effect (although making your home smell like baked goods is an added plus to doing it yourself, and it’s a fun activity to do with your friends!)

3. Dressing for fall (Even when it’s warm)

I have been patiently waiting to pull out my big cozy sweaters and scarves but it has been way too hot. I am so over wearing shorts and tank tops to class every day– not that I don’t love dressing for summer– and I am feeling so much more inspired and excited about fall styles. So, I’ve had to get creative. I think one of the easiest ways to make an outfit feel more fall is by wearing fall-like shoes: cute little boots, black Converse or sambas, or some cute Mary Janes or ballet flats if you’re feeling fancy. Or wearing a “warmer” top and a “cooler” bottom and vice versa. Wearing a light sweater with shorts, for example, has definitely helped me feel like I’m dressing fall without overheating in the warm weather. Even wearing my Halloween socks that no one else can see makes me feel more in the fall spirit! And of course, layering is my best friend.

4. Make your environment feel fall

Another way I am going to embrace fall is by making my environment feel more fall-like. I plan to get some fall-themed candles to make my home smell like apples, cinnamon, pumpkins and more. I might even buy some cute little pumpkins for decor, and when it nears Halloween I want to get some cheap decorations to put up too! Plus having a Halloween candy bowl in my apartment is something I think would be fun so my friends can take some when they come over! 

5. Plan your Halloween costume!!!

Last but not least, I’m excited to plan out my Halloween costume(s). My friends are visiting for Halloween so we’ve been texting about costume ideas constantly. I’m feeling very basic this year and want to do something classic like a witch or a vampire, especially because it’s easy to use stuff I already have for these kinds of costumes.

I’m hoping the weather will cool down soon and the leaves will start changing. But in the meantime, I’ll be embracing fall to the best of my ability with these five things.

Lily Wood

Wisconsin '26

Hi! My name is Lily, I'm a freshman at UW Madison and I'm thinking about studying psychology or English. I love to travel, read, listen to music, go on walks and hang out with my friends and little sister. I'm so excited to be a part of Her Campus!