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Alternative Spring Break Trips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Spring Break. The time of 24-hour road trips, seeing the sun after four long months of winter and endless beach parties. To some college students this may sound like the perfect getaway. But, if this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, there’s no need to worry. Alternative Spring Break trips offer many benefits that your typical Spring Break wouldn’t.

You will meet new people.

Whether a freshman or a senior, by the time Spring Break rolls around you most likely already have a solid friend group. Alternative Spring Break trips help you make friends you would have never encountered.

You will do meaningful work.

Yes spring break is a time to relax, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be productive. As college students we tend to focus a lot of time on class and not a lot on others. Alternative Spring Break trips help bring balance to a busy life by giving you the opportunity to do important volunteer work.


You will build skills.

Alternative Spring Break trips allow you to not only volunteer, but also learn a little more about yourself along the way. Spending a week traveling the country will no doubt give you chances to step up as an encourager, an organizer or a leader. No matter where your strengths lie, you will have the chance to improve yourself.

If this sounds like your picture-perfect break, you’re in luck. UW-Madison offers numerous alternative Spring Break trips. Check out the Pay It Forward Tour hosted by Students Today, Leaders Forever or Alternative Breaks and the Wisconsin Experience Bus Trip hosted by WUD.