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5 Quick Ways to Get Motivated

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


Let’s face it ladies, sometimes, we just feel like being lazy.  There are days where a squat sounds worse than having bronchitis and you sincerely believe sitting on your laptop for four hours is the most productive thing you’d be able to manage. 

However, skipping workouts can end up putting you in a rut, or out of rhythm.  Sometimes, we just have to push ourselves out the door, because being lazy for an hour can quickly turn into two weeks of pure sloth.

These simple, quick, motivating tips can help you get on your feet and at the elliptical in no time. 


1) Visualize What You Can Be

Find your favorite athlete, actress, or even a picture of you in your prime and give it a quick glance. Developing a goal to aspire for is one thing, but having an image staring straight at you while you’re munching on Doritos can be a powerful thing.  Looking at Carrie Underwood’s rocking legs or Cameron Diaz’s toned arms will remind you of what you can be and before you know it, you’ll be lacing up your gym shoes. 


2) Put a Time Limit on Your Health Goals

You know how you have to go to that wedding in a month?  Don’t you have that interview next week?  What about that date in a couple days?  By reminding yourself of whatever important event you have coming up, you are encouraging yourself to accomplish goals with a limited amount of time.  Knowing you have to fit in that cocktail dress or that you want to look strong and healthy when you meet your boyfriend’s parents are quick motivators to pick up a hand weight. 


3) Call a Friend

It’s a lot easier to get off the couch when you know your bestie just finished a half marathon.  Reaching out to someone you care about allows you to share your troubles and lackluster attitude, and hopefully, he or she can kick you in the buns.  Having your friend remind you of your fitness goals is a great push and the “if he can do it so can I” mentality can be surprisingly powerful. 


4) Start Small and Go Easy

Sometimes, you just know it’s not going to be a great gym day.  You just have to get up and push through.  Sure, it wasn’t your best set, fastest mile, or longest swim, but at least you did it!  Starting small or going easy isn’t always a bad thing.  Actually, that easy mile and a water break may make you realize that you could go another two or three.  Just go easy and see where the endorphins take you. 


5) Just Put Your Shoes On Already.

Once you’ve taken the time to get your workout gear on, it’s much more difficult to come up with excuses to not go.  Another great way to get your buns to the gym is to drive or walk there right from work or class.  If you area already headed that direction, it would seem absolutely idiotic (and unjustifiably lazy) to turn around just to avoid a workout.  If you can get yourself to tie your shoes and put on deodorant, than you can definitely will yourself to complete a couple sets. 

Olivia is a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with big aspirations in PR and advertising. With a love for writing, beauty and confidence, she’s making it through college one step at a time.
Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com