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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Now that we’ve hit month nine of the pandemic, the typical at-home movie night date may have gotten a little old by now. While some restaurants and activities may be open, they aren’t always the safest option. Here are five innovative dates that are both safe and fun!

Cook an elaborate meal together

While cooking can sometimes be a chore, cooking with your significant other can be a really fun and rewarding way to bond and try something new! Check out pinterest for some new recipes, gather your ingredients together and try whipping up something delicious. After, you can enjoy a satisfying meal knowing that it was made with love.

Have a game night

Board games and card games aren’t just for kids. Bust out your Monopoly board and spend the night laughing over some competitive fun with your partner. Sometimes, a good old-fashioned game night is all you need for a good time.

Follow a paint tutorial

Let’s get creative! Whether it’s a classic Bob Ross tutorial or a design from the Internet you want to try, painting with your S/O is something different you can do to destress together. At the end, you can decide which masterpiece is best. 

Have an at-home picnic

Grab a cozy blanket and some pillows and prepare your living room floor with an at-home picnic! You can either cook your food or order your favorite takeout, then dine together in a non-conventional yet super cute way. Also, this can make for an adorable photo-op if you decide to get creative with your decoration choices. 

Do an at-home workout 

The couple that sweats together stays together. While hitting the gym is not as easy these days, you can still get fit with your partner and have a fun time doing it. Follow a YouTube workout routine together and show off the cute new workout set you’ve been meaning to wear.

While Covid has made for some less than ideal situations, you can still have fun while being safe at home. Try out these date ideas for a non-traditional experience!

Nicole Herzog

Wisconsin '23

Nicole is a junior majoring in journalism with a double track in Reporting and Strategic Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is additionally obtaining certificates in Digital Studies and Art History. Nicole is passionate about feminism, art, fashion, and most importantly, Harry Styles. Follow her on instagram @nicoleherzog!