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10 Things You’ll See on a Spring Break Road Trip

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

The long car ride to the beach was definitely worth it.  Here are some things you encountered either along the drive or while roaming the beach.


1.     Waffle House

As you get further and further south the Waffle Houses will get closer and closer together.  Trust me they are not worth the try.


2.     Fanny Packs

Girls have to carry their stuff somehow.  Sometimes they even match the swimsuit.


3.     College Flags

They hang off every balcony and from the beach people will try to tell you where their room is based on the flag they have hanging off the balcony.


4.     Go Pros and Selfie Sticks

What’s a vacation if it wasn’t documented?  Pics or it didn’t happen.


5.     Beads

If you’re a girl or a guy and you have a lot of beads you may want to reevaluate.  Guys try to get girls with them, girls try to get guys to give beads to them…in promiscuous ways.


6.     Twerking

Sand, swimsuits, and speakers seem to bring out some dance moves that aren’t acceptable back on a college campus.


7.     Police

Yelling, questioning, sending college kids to jail, I’m sure you’ve heard some stories for yourself.

8.     Makeshift flasks and bottles

Nobody wants their drink to spill.  You can go the tumbler or jug route, the red solo cup route, or the “It’s just juice” route.

9.     Shutter Shades

Only on spring break are these acceptable.


10.  Aloe

Because you drank a little too much to reapply sunscreen the past few hours, or the past few days.

Spring break road trips always have some crazy stories and some typical things that spark these stories.

I am a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Madison aspiring to study Journalism and Strategic Communication.
I am currently a sophomore at University of Wisconsin- Madison pursuing a degree in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.  As Campus Correspondent of Her Campus, Wisconsin chapter I am passionate about current events and can be found browsing any and every article that pops- up on my Facebook newsfeed.