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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Aunt Flo came to visit.

It is that time of the month.

It’s Shark Week.

I am surfing the crimson wave.

The little kitty is sick.

Birthing the blood diamond today.


But more bluntly put you are on your period and you vaginal lining is shedding. Yay for being women!


No, but seriously we all hate our periods, but don’t you think half of the grudge is because you feel like you can’t talk about it?  We do everything in our power to hide when we are on our cycle (even though our mood swings ALWAYS give it away), but menstruation is just as normal as breathing.  Why should we hide our pads when we walk to the bathroom or come up with code words so people don’t feel uncomfortable by hearing the word period or menstruation?  It is all about ending this period stigma ladies.  


The topic of bleeding vaginas has no need to be a taboo subject.  In order to normalize it we must talk about it.  Many channels on YouTube, such as BuzzFeed are doing just that!  By sharing content with shocking titles and very red thumbnails they catch the audience’s eyes so there is no way to hide from the topic.  


Here are 8 funny, insightful, and/or slightly gross videos about periods and ending the stigma!  


With this conclusion I wish for light periods for every lady out there and for the end to the stigma! 

BFA Painting & Photogrpaphy major at Winthrop University Instagram: mag.claytor Twitter: mag_claytor
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.