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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Tired of letting your tummy troubles get in your way? We’ve got the best tips to help your upset stomach!


Not only is it a great memory booster, but mint soothes your stomach and can help with nausea! Try sucking on a peppermint, chewing some mint gum or even putting some peppermint extract in water and drinking it.


Most people know that drinking ginger ale can help your stomach to feel better, but they aren’t aware that drinking cola can also help. Cola syrup is often used as a remedy for an upset stomach.

Eat Saltines


Sometimes you may feel nauseous even though you haven’t eaten anything. It’s important to eat bland food on an upset stomach, like Saltine crackers. Even if you don’t feel like eating, it is important to get something into your stomach, because it will help you feel better faster.

Suck on Ice

If you’re not feeling up to drinking water that will just slosh around in your upset tummy, sucking on ice is a great way to stay hydrated! Whether or not you have actually gotten sick, fluids are key to feeling better faster.

Distract Yourself

Many times when people have an upset stomach that is ALL they can focus on which can actually make themselves feel worse. The best way to avoid this is distraction! You finally have an excuse to binge watch Netflix all day instead of using it as a means of procrastination. You can also try scrolling through social media, watching YouTube videos or playing a game!

Lie on Your Left Side

Sleeping on your left side has been found to improve problems with digestion, which in turn can help your upset stomach. The photo above is a self explanatory way to show how it helps.

Drink Pepto Bismol

While you shouldn’t always rely on things like Pepto Bismol or Tums to help with your upset stomach, you can still use them in extreme cases. Many people aren’t too fond of the taste of Pepto Bismol, so here is a tip: refrigerate it! It makes it taste so much better.


Ali Maclay is a biology major, chemistry minor, psychology minor, and honors student at Winthrop University. She is an aspiring Neuroscientist and hopes to work at St. Jude Children's Hospital. She is the Facebook Social Media Director for Her Campus Winthrop's Facebook page, and associate member of Tri Beta Biological Honors Society, and a member of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society at Winthrop. When she's not doing academic work, working at her job, or writing for HC, she's probably binge-watching Netflix, dreaming on Pinterest, stress cleaning, or eating ice cream.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.