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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

When you hit your twenties, it’s so easy to get caught up in the trend of comparing yourselves with others–who just got engaged? Who just landed an awesome job? Who can now pay for their own apartment?

It’s unfortunately almost a given that we’re going to compare ourselves, and the fact that we’re also living in the age of social media doesn’t help with this problem. We feel like we know everything about a person’s life because of what they put on social media and if our lives don’t look as glamorous as what we see, we sometimes feel a sense of inferiority. 


Everyone seems to be doing something better than you, and after hours of scrolling through social media pictures you probably just want to crawl into a ball and hide in a corner–but I’m here to tell you to cut it out!

Stop comparing yourselves to other people and work on being a better you. You should already want to be a better you, and not because you’re trying to be better than someone else.


But you must remember: content you see on social media is only what people are allowing you to see. You may think someone is in the best relationship ever but nothing is ever that perfect.

Sure, you’re able to see the flawless Kodak moment, but you aren’t witnessing the argument that happened 30 minutes before. You see the 23-year-old with the perfect job but you don’t see the blood, sweat and tears that they put into their job on a daily basis, and how much they secretly hate what they do. You see the picture of the Instagram model with the perfect body but you don’t know how many Photoshop edits it took to post that same picture. We continue to try to set goals for ourselves to try to be like people that or may or may not be like what they portray to the public at all. 

But ladies, stop comparing your lives with others! I’ve learned to not compare myself to anyone, but to use things like that to motivate me to be a better person. When you have confidence in yourself and you’re doing what you need to do to reach your goals you no longer will feel the need to compare yourself to others.


You will be given that job you’ve always wanted, or the relationship when you are truly ready for it. Until then, keep your eyes focused on doing what makes you happy and stay beautiful and motivated. 

Keep pushing towards your goals, collegiettes!

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.