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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

 “We must overcome the notion that we must be regular…it robs you of the chance to become extraordinary and leads you to be mediocre.” – Uta Hagen

As we take on the beginning of the week with our Starbucks in hand, instead of looking at it as a long ways away from Friday, remember that it is the beginning of the week and that means a chance to get a fresh start. Classes can no doubt be overwhelming, but there is always a chance to go into a new week with a new mindset. Setting small approachable goals is the best way to reach your big goals.

The originator of this quote, Uta Hagen, now deceased, was an amazingly talented broadway actress and inspiring acting teacher. She has taught famous actors that are well-known today, such as Whoopi Goldberg and Matthew Broderick. Hagen was big on hard work and determination to help you get where you wanted to be in life.

This quote is a reminder for everyone to strive to be the best selves that they can be. There is always going to be someone out there that you might think is better than you, but the truth and beauty behind this quote is that everyone is different in their own way and different is good. Different is powerful. Strive to be extraordinarily you.

Have an amazing week, Collegiettes!

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.