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The Life of College Students During Midterms as Told by “The Office”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

We all know that midterms are a rough time on college campuses. We haven’t had a break since MLK Day in January, we’re pushing through it, but wait…midterm exams, papers and group projects. Yeah I know Collegiettes, it’s no fun. So, if you’re procrastinating like I am…take a look at some dank memes to make yourself feel a bit better about all the stress. 

*insert Jim Halpert face*

We are all Michael Scott when it comes to studying for midterms.

By this point in the semester, we all feel like…


What we call “studying”

Again…we call it studying, but what are we really doing?


When you look at the first question of the midterm…

And finally, we all know that feeling when you’re trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about on a midterm exam…


You can make it through the rest of midterms and you can survive until Spring Break! Let’s do this Collegiettes!


Allison is a sophomore at Winthrop University where she majors in English and has a concentration in Secondary Education. On campus, Allison is very involved-she is an Honors student, Admissions Ambassador, and a member of Her Campus Winthrop, Baptist Collegiate Ministry, and Ratio Christi. Allison loves her family and friends very much, and tries to spread the love of Jesus wherever she goes. In her free time, Allison loves to travel (Paris, France is her favorite!), read classics like Pride and Prejudice, and drink iced coffee while binge-watching New Girl on Netflix. Follow her on Instagram to see her attempts to be artistic @allisondsnipes
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.