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Letter to My Best Friend Back at Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

As life starts to move forward you leave people you love behind, and I left my best friend behind. So here is to you best friend, with love and care! 


To My Best Friend Back Home,

Long time no talk, with life being so busy and so crazy you slip my mind and I forget to call you. You’re always in the back of my mind while I’m rushing to class, late as always because I snoozed to many times, but you know that. I miss the days I would walk into class and there you were waiting for me, so you can sleep, and I can take notes and email them to you. (thanks 8 ams!!!)

You are my best friend without even telling you. The distances between us does not stop me from loving you any less. I see your Instagram post and I see how happy you look, even though a smile on Instagram does not define if you are happy but I know you, I know when you’re happy. You have been there for me for five years now through ups and downs and there isn’t a day I do not thank anyone who is listening to me for you. I wish I could see you everyday and talk for hours but that isn’t the reality of our lives. As you move forward with your life and the path that you are on, just know that I will always be a call away and a flight away. You have opened my heart and loved me unconditional. You are the best friend I wished for when I was lost and hopeless. I am happy to see you succeed in life and in your relationships with those around you. I hope for the day I get a text saying you will transfer to my school and we can pick up our friendship where it left off, but that is only a fantasy. I wish nothing but amazing things that happen in your life, and pure happiness as you move forward. I will forever miss you and cherish every minute I do get to see you. As this semester comes to an end and we head back to our homes I will think about you as I unpack my suitcase in Florida and wish you were sitting on my bed telling me the crazy stories in Clemson and how excited you are for the summer with the internship you will get. I miss you and can not wait to see what live holds for us.

Love always,

A friend at Winthrop.


A best friend is someone you will always carry close to your heart. That fills you with tears of laughter and amazing advise when things are looking down. Appreciate that one best friend you have, and love them like no one else will!