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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

I’ve been a resident on a college campus before, and it definitely comes with its own slew of problems. From having to share a space with virtual strangers, to dealing with loud neighbors, and of course there’s the hardships of move in day. Being a college resident can be super stressful.

While I totally understand what residents go through, this one’s for the commuters. Here are 5 things that I have found to be tough when it comes to being a commuter student. 


1. Traffic/Construction

Why is there always, and I mean ALWAYS construction around every corner? I always wonder why these projects couldn’t have been finished BEFORE school started. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been late to class because of construction induced traffic no matter how early I leave my house. It’s a terrible and stressful way to start off the day. Mood? Ruined.

Relatable, LC  

2. Gas Money

I haven’t calculated the exact amount of money I spend on gas each month, but with the prices being where they’re at now I know it’s a lot (broke college kid probs). I seem to always be filling up my gas tank even though I SWORE I just filled it up the other day. It’s definitely cutting deep into my Starbs fund (and I guess for other essentials, like food and clothes too…)

Me @ gas stations

3. Forgetting Things

So you forgot your charger or headphones? Too bad. You don’t have the privilege of being able to run back to your room to grab them in time for class. You’ll just have to suffer in silence for the rest of the day, or hope a friend will be able to help you out. Making the travel back home is almost worth it but then again… refer back to point 2.

Tfw no headphones

4. Late Events

Most clubs and organizations have their meeting times and events at 6 pm or later which makes sense a lot of sense, as most classes are done for the day at that point. However, as a commuter it can be difficult being able to attend those late events. I know for me, after a long day of classes I just want to go home and rest instead of waiting around for another few hours on campus. It’s not the organizations faults by any means; It’s the distance mingled in with my laziness. Whoops.

5. Parking

Dun dun dunnn… This is the bane of my existence and I think we ALL can relate to this, commuter or not. Don’t get me wrong, there are a decent amount of parking spots available for commuters on campus; the problem I have is with their location. On top of having to deal with traffic, I also have to factor in the time it takes me to park and walk to my classes into my commute time. Sprinting to class in 90 degree weather is not cute, and it can be a real battle to snag the best spots in the morning.


Me trying to get a spot in Dinkins


Overall, saving money on resident housing is a huge pro that overshadows these cons. Being a commuter has also helped me to manage my time a little better, even though I still somehow find myself practically running to class each day (but I think that’s just a Me problem tbh).

Hopefully this helped my fellow Collegiette commuters realize that they’re not alone, and that we all can suffer in this together!



Lauren Caldwell

Winthrop '19

Lauren is a senior at Winthrop University. She enjoys spending time with family and petting any dog she sees (with permission of course). When she graduates, she would like to pursue a career in marine biology while also traveling abroad.
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.