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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Towards the end and beginning of the year, many set goals and new years resolutions. Many thrive off of new beginnings and fresh starts. The new year is a great way to create a vision for your future and plan ahead. During this time, lots of people create vision boards to manifest what they want this new year to consist of. I want to talk about how to make your vision board into a reality. 

Reflect on your past

The first step to take when making your dreams a reality is to reflect on the past. Look back on your previous goals or vision board and see what you accomplished, even if it’s the smallest of things. Always recognize what you’ve improved or did well before you start new goals because that could change the trajectory of your future reality. If you went to the gym twice a week the previous year then you already know that you’re fully capable and disciplined enough to make it to the gym, so you don’t have to be as hard on yourself. 

Display your visions- everywhere

Last year when crafting my vision board, I was able to follow through with so many of my goals because I displayed my vision board Everywhere- my computer desktop, apple watch face, phone wallpaper. Anything you look at on the daily is an opportunity to remind yourself of the goals you set for yourself. You can even print out your vision board and hang it up in your dorm to be sure you look at it.

Don’t be afraid to take away and add to your vision board

To be completely honest- I’m a bit of a perfectionist so changes scare me and I like to be comfortable. Changing my vision board was something I had to do being that I recently got out of a relationship so I needed to take some things out and add items and goals that bring me joy. Know that it’s perfectly fine to change, add, and take away.

Believe that it’s already your life

Manifesting is a hot topic in today’s world. Manifesting means to display a feeling or quality by one’s actions. Acting and believing as if this life is already in the works and in the future- you’re just waiting to fulfill is such a positive mindset to have because you genuinely are believing that your vision board is there and real.

Be present

When you’re wanting change and it’s easy to look at the future and be hyper focused on what’s going to happen but it’s important to apprentice where you are especially because at one point in life- you wished to be where you are. Be present in your day to day activities, conversations, and current state. You can’t be pleased if you’re never satisfied with where you are. 

I truly hope that these suggestions help you to make your cute vision board become a reality. Let’s become that girl this year!

Xoxo, Jas 

Hello, my name is Jasmine Williams. I am currently a sophomore and I'm majoring in Mass Communication. Other than being on the HC team, I also have a blog and YouTube channel. I'm a Marketing Intern to Winthrop Dining and on the promotions team for Winthrop DSU! I enjoy listening to podcasts and drinking iced coffee.