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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Dear Big,

            I need to start by saying thank you, thank you for being my rock, my person, my mentor and even more than I could ever put into words. Thanks for the late-night conversations that last hours that range from topics that make us cry, to things that make us laugh so hard we can’t breathe. Thank you for loving me even though I can’t paint a cactus, thank you for taking me in when I wasn’t even sure I could be the little you wanted or the little you deserved.

            I have been avoiding that you would be leaving sorority life behind as soon as I ran into your arms during reveal and though you will remain at Winthrop, I am still not ready for this change. I’m not ready to take on sorority life without you, you are my biggest fan, my biggest role model, and someone who makes me feel welcomed no matter the situation. You’ve showed that I have more potential than I ever imagined, that I can do anything, and that you believe in me more than anyone else. I strive to one day be half the big to my little that you are to me.

            Though we have only known each other for a short amount of time, you have taught me so much, like how to paint a cooler (the most srat thing I have ever done), which man to avoid when swiping on tinder, and you taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to. You taught me that it is okay to have a mental breakdown (and boy do I have mental breakdowns), the best country songs to listen to at 3:00 am, that when a someone you care about is in need you can get to Columbia in one hour in flat, and the ropes of Greek Life and what it means to be a sister to others.

            Once you told me that I was your moon, someone who brings you light in the darkest times, that you didn’t feel like you found your place until you got me, but it’s the other way around. You are my guiding light and someone who I love unconditionally. You are my person, my other half, a person who I want to be around all the time because you bring me more joy than anyone else. I hope that you never forget how proud I am that I am your little, how proud I am to be yours. You can do anything and how lucky am I that I get to have a front row seat to see the amazing woman you’ll become.

            Remember I love you more than chocolate lava cakes from Applebee’s and life itself,

-Your little

Thank you for the love

Thank you for the memories

Thank you for being you

Kaylee Heaton

Winthrop '20

Kaylee Heaton is a junior Art History Major with a minor in English at Winthrop University. She is obsessed with Van Gogh, Netflix, Disney, and Dogs, in particular, her sister's dog Samson. You'll likely find Kaylee at Target or studying hard at the lib. Follow Kaylee on instagram @kayleeheaton !
Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.