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Coping with Daylight savings time as a college student.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

As the world gives us an extra hour, we need to take that extra hour of care for ourselves. With the sun rising later and setting sooner, it is very common for this change to cause seasonal depression and anxiety. Being someone that strives off sunlight, it’s so important for me to prioritize my days so that I can be productive but also prioritize myself. I want to give some tips on how you as a college student can cope with daylight savings time. 

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Finding more hobbies

Having a hobby is so crucial year around but more particularly during the colder months because you don’t want to find yourself in a downward spiral. It’s super beneficial to find things you’re passionate about during winter months because it’s easy to kinda want to seclude yourself and cut yourself off from the world but finding a project you can do for the colder nights, cloud days, and winter storms are important for your mental health. 

I started scrapbooking as a hobby, it’s been so fun to keep little trinkets from shopping or gifts and cut and shape them into personal pages. I also have been reading which is something I started enjoying more this summer- as I was struggling with mental health.

 I started reading some self-help and psychology-based books but then I got into the Colleen Hoover books… I’ve never gone back. Reading takes you into another world, and personally for me off of my phone. Do you know when you get so into the book that you’re yelling at the characters out loud? The best book I’ve read so far is It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover, it’s a must-read. 

Hobby Ideas: 

  1. Trying coffee shops 
  2. Knitting
  3. Workout classes 
  4. Binge-watching old Disney movies 
  5. Calligraphy
  6. Poetry
  7. Coloring
  8. Shopping
  9. Playing games (Candy Crush is fire)
  10. Organizing

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Turning on the lights

This sounds like such a weird way to cope with the time change but because we are getting less natural sunshine, we must find ways to get that Vitamin D effect. If you wake up super early before the sun like me then try turning on a warm-colored lamp or your led lights to a warm-toned color to replicate the sun. At night before bedtime, try turning your LED lights to red because red light stimulates the production of melatonin, causing you to be calmer and helping you to fall asleep.

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Natural vitamin D 

Enjoy the sunshine while it’s out during the day, and take your lunch outside if you can. Go hang out in your hammock and let the sunshine hit your face for an hour. When you wake up in the morning, let up your blinds and window so that you can enjoy the weather as it is. 

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Get in your workout, close those rings

Working out is already hard, so when it’s cold outside and all you want to do is cuddle up, it makes the motivation nearly nonexistent. But it is important to keep your body moving and your mind clear. Even if it’s 15 minutes of movement- you deserve and owe it to yourself to stay healthy. Put on your apple watch- make some warm tea, put on your headphones, and take yourself on a hot girl walk. 

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No caffeine after lunchtime

This is something I’ve started incorporating into my life, and it’s honestly changed everything. After I stopped drinking coffee after noon I started feeling less anxious, and less tired. This also helped me to fall asleep so fast after a long day. I know being in college, sometimes you have to push through and stay up until 1 a.m but not every night. 

These are just a few ideas to help you guys cope with seasonal depression, anxiety, and just the difference in time and weather. I truly hope that this fall/winter season brings you guys nothing but coziness and pure joy. Take care of yourself!

Xoxo, jas

Hello, my name is Jasmine Williams. I am currently a sophomore and I'm majoring in Mass Communication. Other than being on the HC team, I also have a blog and YouTube channel. I'm a Marketing Intern to Winthrop Dining and on the promotions team for Winthrop DSU! I enjoy listening to podcasts and drinking iced coffee.