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College as Told by “Freaks And Geeks”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

One of Netflix’s more hidden treasures that you may have never heard of is “Freaks and Geeks.”

Set in the 80s, this painfully short-lived show follows siblings Lindsay and Sam as they navigate two very different social hemispheres at McKinley High — the eponymous freaks (“slackers/burnouts” and the newly-inducted member of their group, Lindsay the ex-mathlete,) and geeks (pretty self-explanatory,) awkward freshmen who include Sam.

No matter how great your high school experience, you can definitely realize that it was simultaneouly kind of traumatic. “Freaks And Geeks” perfectly encapsulates that feeling, serving up self-depricating and dry humor alongside life lessons (and a star-studded cast, to boot!) At it’s core, this show is about the weird and wonderful relationships we make as young adults, so without further ado: here’s college, as explained by Freaks and Geeks. 

1. When someone asks to see your homework, “just to check their work”. 

2. When a tour group comes through campus and almost makes you late for class 

3. When someone walks past and you catch a little whiff of something less-than-legal… 

4. When a group project gets assigned

5. When you’re getting ready to go out 

6. When your snooze button is looking a little TOO nice…

7. When someone from one of your classes tries to get chatty   

8. When that pop quiz doesn’t go too well 

9. When you start getting a little too attached to that cutie from your history class…

10. When you’re out somewhere and your SONG comes on 

11. When you actually try a little before class 

12. And finally, when you realize that one day, you have to leave…and you don’t handle it too well 

If you haven’t already, check out “Freaks and Geeks” on Netflix!

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.