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4 Holiday Gifts Everyone Needs In Their Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

It is Day 2 of our lovely countdown and today it is ALL about what comes from the heart! I think we can all say that presents which come from the heart are the ones with the most value, yes? It is the simpliest things in life that can turn a frown upside down, but why would we even have a frown on our in the first place? It’s Christmas time! Cheers! So without further ado, here are 4 of the best Christmas presents that come from the heart! 

1. Baked Goods

Short, sweet, delicious and stright to the point, everyone enjoys homemade baked goods! Whether they are traditional Christmas sweets or not, the aroma of baked goods in a tin always puts a smile on anyone’s face.

2. Handwritten Letters

If you don’t exactly know what to get your friend or a loved one for Christmas because 1. There are too many choices to choose from or 2. You don’t have much money, chances are you should probably just write them a letter telling them how special they are in your life and how much you love them! Trust me, girls go crazy for handwritten letters!

3. A Scrapbook

Now this one takes some time to complete, but once it’s done, a masterpiece has been created. Creating a Scrapbook always brings back great memories that you shared with someone that means a lot to you! Whether the pictures bring happy flashbacks or sad flashbacks, or those flashbacks you don’t want to flashback to because they were that crazy, it’s the joy of looking back at those special moments and remembering all the wonderful times you had with special people! 

4. Love and Laughter

There is nothing better than sharing the gift of love and laughter, especially with everything going on in the world right! I think love and laughter is what the world needs, so this holiday season, go and give someone a big bear hug, tell them the corniest joke ever and remind them to smile! Laughter is the medicine of the soul and love conquers all! <3


Always remember to keep your head up, shoulders back and walk with confidence collegiettes! You got this!


Her Campus Winthrop


Er Mer Gersh….23 Days!

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.