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Why Changing My Major No Longer Scares Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

When we were younger, it wasn’t an uncommon thing for us to change our minds often: on what we wanted to eat, who we were friends with or which color crayon to use next in our drawing. One of the hardest questions to provide a concrete answer to, though, was what we wanted to be when we grew up.

Perhaps one minute we wanted to be a princess, and the next we wanted to be the President. If it wasn’t a doctor, then it was a cheerleader; if not an astronaut, then a chef. The list could go on, and despite the cuteness of a little one’s indecisiveness regarding their future aspirations, the level of cuteness begins to decline dramatically once we actually grow up and are still unsure on what the hell we want to do with our lives.

I found myself in this latter boat when I recently decided to change my major from biology to biochemistry. Sure, it wasn’t a huge change, but that decision alone was one of the hardest I’ve made yet as a young adult. The reason why it was so hard to make: I thought I had it all figured out.

Woman Wearing Brown Shirt Carrying Black Leather Bag on Front of Library Books
Abby Chung
When I graduated high school, I thought I knew everything I needed to know going into college: what classes I wanted to take, how many years I’d be in school for, what job I’d have and where I’d even be working.

Then, after completing my first semester of college, it wasn’t until I had a totally casual conversation with one of my professors when I realized that the major I’d decided on (and had basically written in stone) turned out to not be the best fit for me nor the future career I was aiming for.

I didn’t like the concept of changing my major because, in my mind, I equated it to me not being prepared or me not having the right information beforehand. I wish I’d been told earlier, when I was first declaring my area of study, that a different major would have made me more qualified. I wish I could have avoided the hassle of starting over with my game plan.

time for change
I know in my right mind that freshmen change their majors all the time, as do upperclassmen. Better yet, I know that it’s even okay to change my major (and as many times as I want, too), but the fact of the matter was I didn’t want to have to change it in the first place.

There also seemed to be a sort of pressure for us to kind of have our crap together once we entered college. Changing my major scared me at first because I wasn’t only worried that I was making the wrong choice, but also that I’d regret the switch later.

I realized, though, that I won’t know whether this new major is my true, best fit until I give it a try—and, just like when we were little, I realized it’s okay to not have everything figured out. I’m still young and have plenty of time left to change my mind a hundred times over.

I didn’t fail myself, nor did anyone fail me, by having to rewrite my game plan. If anything, it has broadened my perspective to being open to change.

a woman sits at a wooden desk writing in a notebook. there is an imac in front of her.
Retha Ferguson | Pexels
Keep this in mind as you begin to lay out your own course plan for next year. Be open and ready for change during this registration period!

| 2018-20 Club President/Campus Correspondent | Hailey Seipel is a senior at Winona State University who is studying Applied & Professional Writing and Journalism. She has been passionate about writing ever since she was little, and a dream of hers is to author poetry, sci-fi and romance novels. Until then, she is interested in working as a creative/blog writer, technical editor or project coordinator after graduating. In her free time, Hailey enjoys listening to music and reading leisurely.
I love exploring the outdoors, writing, whales, and have a major sweet tooth for cheesecake! Volleyball and hockey are my favorite sports to play and watch. When it comes to writing, I love it. I truly enjoy being able to write articles and stories about topics people would enjoy reading.