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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

With the semester coming to a close, it’s safe to say that I couldn’t do it alone. Here is a thank you to my biggest supporters, my hardest critics, and my best friends. 


Alli and Jess

Hannah Montana marathons, Packer games in the living room, late nights and early mornings, my roommates have been there through it all. Alli and Jess have been by my side since the beginning of freshman year, and I can’t thank them enough for all they have done. Whether it be listening to me ramble about how nervous I am for a presentation, going to grocery bingo when we should have been doing homework or making stupid TikToks, they know how to calm my nerves. This semester has been full of countless memories with them, and with all that being said, I am so glad I got to live with both of them this semester. My roommates have made our cute little house into a home, and I would be absolutely lost without them. 


I have SO MUCH love for you guys. 




I would definitely call Kate my number one fan (sorry Kyle). She is always willing to listen and talk through even the most stressful things with me. This semester, she has been cheering me on and always looking out for me even when she is knee-deep in work. Sometimes it’s a quick text telling me to meet me at our favorite coffee spot or an afternoon gym session; other times, it’s an hour-long talk while driving around Winona. She has shown me how to be hardworking and fearless, and I am so happy that Kate has quickly become my best friend and my favorite person. I am forever thankful to have her here for one of the most stressful semesters of my life.


I could not do life without you, Kate.  




Julia (another awesome Her Campus writer!), has the energy I wish I had. She is endlessly laughing and making friends with everyone she meets. Her attitude is contagious and it’s definitely something I needed this semester. I have learned that she is always down to revise my articles, my papers and even my emails. This semester, Julia has grown so much, and it has helped me grow as well in every aspect of college life.


Thank you for all you do, Ju.


Kyle Scott

I can’t really say enough about how much I appreciate Kyle being here this semester. Between our busy schedules and contrasting classes, he still finds a way to see me and make my day a little better. He is always pushing me to keep trying and to keep doing my best, even on the days when I would much rather stay in bed and binge Victorious on Netflix. Kyle really is one of the most laid-back guys I know, and that’s very different compared to my “worry all the time” mentality; his demeanor has definitely kept me balanced and sane this semester. Besides being there for me, he has also broken out of his shell this semester, and it is so exciting to watch. I couldn’t be more proud of him.


Forever thankful for you, Ky!


Ben and Ben

Benjamin and Benedict are some of my hometown friends that I stay in touch with, even while so far away from each other. They go to school in Milwaukee, so it’s always hard to find time to see them, but they are the most inspiring friends I have, and they are constantly pushing me to keep bettering myself. Benjamin is either in class or at the hospital working hard to become a nurse while Benedict is always improving on his photography and film. While we may be far away, our Wednesday night Facetime calls have gotten me through the toughest of weeks and their ability to find a joke in every situation is the reason why I am so thankful for them.


I am so proud of you guys, thank you for all you do!


Mom and Dad

My biggest thank you. Between helping me with my rent, encouraging text messages and making sure I am having the best time in college, I don’t think I will ever be able to say enough thank you’s to my parents. My mom is always ready to listen and give advice, whether it be about friends, classes or just to hear about my day, I know she is always one call away. My dad, on the other hand, likes to send funny dog videos and pictures of what the family had for dinner that night, and he is always making sure I’m still included in all the fun. Even being five and a half hours away from them, my parents are still my best friends and my favorite cheerleaders. 


Thank you for everything, Mom and Dad.



I am so thankful for everything these people have done for me, and I can’t wait for all the thank yous I get to say next semester.



Hi, I'm Tiegue! I'm a sophomore at Winona State University and majoring in Communication Studies. I'm a small-town girl from Wisconsin (go Bucky!) and when I'm not writing, you can usually find me in a coffee shop or with a camera swinging around my neck.