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Blooms Full of Goodbye: My 5 Favorite Flowers to Commemorate the Ending of Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

While summer is not my favorite season, it holds many beautiful natural occurrences. The cordial colors and sweet smells are two of my favorite things about summer that can be attributed to only one thing: flowers.

With the summer heat taking the backseat for a short time, the flowers will die off until next season. To commemorate the ending of summer and the ending of these seasonal beauties, I am listing five of my favorite flowers. I hope you enjoy my favorites as you reminisce about yours.

White nails against pink flowers
Photo by Tiko Giorgadze from Unsplash

1. Monarda Flowers

Typically called Beebalms or Horsemint plants, these flowers are wondrous for pollinator gardens. They attract insects, bees and butterflies. The reason these common flowers are among my favorites is because of the fruity scent and many uses it offers. The foliage of this plant is used for herbal teas and additions to salads. 

2. Tulips

While these flowers are known for being a spring flower, they survive into the summer which is good enough for me. These beauties are a popular favorite. Personally, I enjoy the fluorescent yellows and dark purples. If you want to see thousands of these eye-catching enchantresses, visit the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chanhassen, Minnesota

3. Asters

These small flowers can grow up to four feet tall! The vibrant violet colors of these little guys are enough to make anybody take a second glance. Planting Asters is fairly simple too, so a beginning gardener can take full advantage of their charm.

4. Lavender

The recorded use of lavender dates all the way back to Ancient Egypt. To this day, lavender is the most used plant for aromatherapy. It is used to help treat anxiety, depression and insomnia among many other afflictions. While most people plant lavender for its medicinal purposes, it is also a beautiful flower (and my favorite color).

5. Roses

Last, but not least, is the epitome of cheesy couples: roses. These flowers can be found at nearly every floral shop. From white to black roses, every color has a significant meaning behind it. I think the reason these flowers made it onto this list isn’t because of the popularity or look but rather the meanings and variety of colors including yellow, white and red.

white and pink roses
Jessica Lewis

Although summer is coming to an end, it doesn’t mean flowers have to completely escape our mind. The beauty that Earth provides us should be remembered year-round. With fall right around the corner, many of these flowers are going to die out quickly, so take some time and enjoy them!


Cheyenne Halberg is a student at Winona State University with a major in Communication Arts and Literature Teaching. She is from the outskirts of St. Cloud, MN. Cheyenne enjoys writing to express herself and empowering others to do what they love. Her hobbies include spending time with friends and family, watching football, spending time outdoors, crafting and writing. Her life goal is to leave an impression on the next generations that allows them to embrace their unique qualities.