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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Williams chapter.

Today, February 15th is 57 degrees and sunny in Northern Massachusetts. Everyone is so excited and outside enjoying the outdoors and all I can think about is when the other shoe is going to drop – aka when the temperature is going to drop, the sun will be hidden behind the clouds, and the impending doom of rain will bless the Northern Massachusetts residents this March and April. So soak up the Vitamin D while you can Williams students – it will be short-lived. 

This spring will be my third in Massachusetts. I am a senior here at Williams so my freshmen spring was cut short due to the COVID shutdown in Spring 2020 – but I have to imagine that the scenery of New England would be of the same. I am originally from Minnesota where Winter takes up all of Spring. April showers in Minnesota are replaced with random snowstorms and cold, below-freezing mornings. I love the snow and cherish the frozen frost on the trees every morning of winter. But there comes a point, around the middle of March, where I am ready for spring. Therefore, I came to New England in college with the hope of better, and truer, seasons. Imagine my disappointment and depression when my sophomore spring was brought down by the terrible rain and cold of a true New England spring. 

Now let this serve as a warning to all you new New England residents – the glimmer of an early spring is only false hope. Do not be like me and let this warm day affect your seasonal depression. The temperature will cool, the grass will not turn green, and the sun will not shine for at least another two months. The rain will pour, the clouds will linger, and the wind will whip through Williamstown yet again. Grab your umbrellas, your jackets, and boots. Prepare yourself for yet another New England spring treat! 

I would love it if this warning was truly unnecessary. If the weather magically this year became beautiful and springy – I would be the most excited person. So, be over-prepared and expect winter to continue as planned. We can be surprised together, rather than be let down by our seasonal depression yet again. 

Maddie Tix

Williams '23

Hi! My name is Maddie. I am passionate about female empowerment, while also normalizing the new idea of being a 'bruh" girl! I love sports, dogs, country music, and trying new things.