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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Williams chapter.

It is crazy to think about life as a whole. Reflecting on where I’ve been to where I am going is terrifying. Right now, I am a senior in college. I spend my time stressing about the big things – my future job, my grades, the end of my hockey career, my family, my younger sibling’s freshman year at college, etc. There are all these crazy expectations on my plate. Yet, at the same time, everyone is telling me to slow down, enjoy the moment, and be a senior in college with my friends. How does one go about balancing the expectations of fun with the expectations of life? I’m about two weeks in and here are three ways I’m going about it.

  1. Don’t let the stress of work deter you from making memories. Sure, I have interviews, exams, and lots of homework, but I don’t let that stop me from hanging out with my friends or from going out. It might stop me from staying up to all hours of the night goofing around campus, but at the same time, it allows me to access the best of both worlds – the fun and reality. 
  1. Three deep breaths every morning. I wake up to my alarm at 7:30 am every morning and pause. I assert myself into the day, into the moment in life. I don’t let the future cloud my present, but make sure that it interplays in my day-to-day life. I block off two hours a day to “future prep” in the morning, so I tend to stress out during my wake-up. My deep breaths ground me to the moment and the joy of the now.
  1. It’s all about balance. Carve out time to live spontaneously. School, work, and life – can become so rigid and fixed. Let yourself live within the moment. That moment might mean a stroke of genius for a school project, or it could mean going out and watching the sunset. Whatever it may be, let your inner balance dictate.

Lastly, you only live once. It is a cliché but so valuable to living each day to the fullest. Say to yourself whatever you need to live your life. Do it for your younger self, do it for yourself in 50 years, do it for your future, do it for your present – but most importantly, do it for yourself. Don’t let anyone else dictate your life! It is your life! Have a fun senior year in college – you only get one of them.

Maddie Tix

Williams '23

Hi! My name is Maddie. I am passionate about female empowerment, while also normalizing the new idea of being a 'bruh" girl! I love sports, dogs, country music, and trying new things.