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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

“Life is too short to not have sex for a week every month.”

– As told by Lane Moore

Do: Put some towels down

Sex on your period can be described in one word: messy. The average woman loses around six to eight teaspoons of blood during her period. Now, I don’t know about you, but it certainly feels more like six to eight gallons to me. Blood is inevitable; therefore, precautions are necessary. Grab your old towels, ratty t-shirts or cheap sheets and prepare the scene of the crime. It’s gonna get messy regardless, but you can limit the clean-up process with some prep beforehand.

Do: Tell your partner that you’re on your period

If you know it’s that time of the week and you still want to have sexual intercourse: TELL YOUR PARTNER! Your partner isn’t going to love the surprise and it might turn them off completely. At least if they know beforehand, they know what to expect and can avoid the sheer terror of looking down and seeing a bloody finger or penis.

Don’t: Fall asleep after sex

Sometimes the sex is so good you literally get fucked to sleep. This unfortunately cannot happen if you’re gonna be naked and bleeding out while sleeping next to your partner. Yes, you put the towels down, but you’re gonna move around and when you wake up it’ll look like a crime scene. Just take the time to go to the bathroom and clean yourself up and then you may proceed to sleep blissfully next to your partner.

Do: Apologize and buy your partner new sheets if you leak

If you do happen to leak on anything your partner owns, offer to replace or clean the item. It’s very common to accidentally leak on bedsheets and your partner should be understanding of this. It’s a little embarrassing but your period is natural, and hey, you just had sex with them so can they really be that upset?

Don’t: Forsake birth control

Contrary to popular belief, you can still get pregnant during your period. If you want to risk it, that’s on you, but sperm can live inside of you for up to five days and if you have a short cycle that means those little guys can still be around come ovulation. Better to be safe than sorry!

Don’t: Feel like you can’t enjoy pleasure during this week

If you’re in the mood and you’d like to be sexually active during your cycle, express this to your sexual partner. Bottom line is that this isn’t your partners free week to get oral from you. You deserve to be taken care of in whatever way that may be. There are still plenty of ways to enjoy yourself while on your period, and if you’re still interested in intercourse, let your partner know! They may be opposed to the idea and want to explore other options, but it doesn’t hurt to communicate your desires. Period sex is intimidating, especially for men because it is a completely foreign concept to some, but remind them that period blood only means extra lube!

But also…

Don’t: Feel pressured to have sex on your period

If the thought of being intimate with someone during the one week where you probably feel your grossest causes you to die a little inside, don’t do it. Your partner should understand and not pressure you into something that makes you uncomfortable. Your period probably brings you a lot of mixed emotions, so you’re super horny one minute and then you want to kill everyone the next. That’s completely normal and if you’re just not in the mood then you’re just not in the mood.

Sex on your period is not as scary as you may think. Sex is a great way to have fun during a week that most of time feels like hell on earth. So get those towels ready and prepare yourself for the best mess you’ll make.

Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier University