To say Grey’s Anatomy is my favourite show is a bit of an understatement. I used to take these quizzes that determined ‘Which Grey’s Character Are You?’ and for a while I would pride myself in being a Lexie or an Izzie, but more and more as I get older the person I realize I am and truly want to become is the one and only cardio god, Dr. Cristina Yang.
Cristina Yang is me whenever I leave my house …
Or attempt anything remotely hard…
Or check my grades on MyLS
She’s not a touchy-feely kind of gal
And she’s so driven with her career that being emotionally available for anything else is sometimes a problem
She’s kind of dead inside, or dark and twisty if you prefer, but always sarcastic and hilarious AF
But Cristina does have a heart and relies on her friends for support …
Especially her BFF
Speaking of BFF’s, she’s tired of hearing about her friend’s relationship problems
And knows how to check them when they are being ridiculous over boys
Proving that she will forever be an inspiration and the queen of pick me ups
Time and
Time again
Shonda, if we could have one wish, please, please, please bring Cristina back! Grey’s is missing her edge and Meredith needs her person.