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My Favourite Psychology Classes I Have Taken So Far

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

From a young age, I knew that I wanted to help people. I wanted my future job to be about helping others in need, but I never knew what that job would be.

I have always struggled with mental health issues due to being bullied for almost my whole life. It wasn’t until I was introduced to psychology that I knew that this was the profession for me.

I loved every minute of the “Introduction to The Social Sciences” course I took in high school. I understood the material, and it came pretty easily to me. When I finally started to think about what I wanted to do with my future, I knew I wanted to be a therapist.

When I got to university, I was overwhelmed with the amount of work I had to complete for each class. The only class that I never felt stressed in, was my psychology class. I loved every minute of it, and the course never felt like work. It just felt like I was learning a new hobby.

If you have the same passion for psychology that I do or are just looking for a recommendation for your next psychology course, I have included my top five favourite psychology classes, that I have taken in university.

Behaviour Modification

I am currently taking this elective and loving it. I have learned to modify behaviour in various ways for many situations that I might encounter in my future job. I think this course is important if you are interested in becoming a therapist because, at some point, you will have to run an intervention program for some behaviour and have to apply these methods.

Introduction to Clinical Psychology

Similar to Behaviour Modification, I am currently enrolled in this course. Although I am going through counselling psychology when I am done with my undergrad, I still believe the principles and values of clinical psychology will come in handy for my future line of work. Both have similar aspects to their professions but are very different at the same time. This course has confirmed my idea that I would rather go through counselling psychology, than clinical. However, I have still enjoyed it either way. I needed this course to fulfill my requirement of a third-year psychology course.

Drugs and Behaviours

I took this course during the summer, so there might be a few adjustments to how the course is taught. Overall, I found the course exciting and full of helpful information. I learned a lot about stuff that I thought I knew but was wrong about. Many psychology students also recommend this course, as it is interesting. I found the course to be a lot of reading, though some individuals do not like that when picking courses. I needed this course to fulfill my requirement of a second-year psychology course.


My favourite part of psychology and being a therapist is about learning individuals’ personalities and why they do the things they do, I thought this course was essential for me to take. I fell in love with the ideas and concepts that were presented in this course and would highly recommend this course to anyone who likes learning about people’s personality styles. I needed this course to fulfill my requirement of a second-year psychology course.

Abnormal Psychology

Lastly, my all-time favourite psychology course is Abnormal Psychology. If you are interested in becoming a therapist, I highly recommend taking this course. You will learn everything from depression to bipolar disorders, personality disorders and so much more. This course covers almost everything you will ever need to know about disorders that you will deal with in the field. I needed this course to fulfill my requirement of a second-year psychology course.

Overall, I love psychology and almost every course that I have taken. This list was very hard to make, and a few classes could have easily replaced any of these courses, but right now, these are my top five favourite psychology courses that I have taken while at university.

Amanda Morrison

Wilfrid Laurier '24

4th-year Psychology and Sociology major with a minor in Criminology at Wilfrid Laurier University.