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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

“To be a revolutionary you have to be a human being. You have to care about people who have no power.” – Jane Fonda

How could you not love Jane Fonda? She’s an incredible actress, outspoken political activist and all-around American sweetheart. Fonda has given us some iconic moments throughout her long career and is still working harder than ever in her early 80’s!

That Oscars Dress

In a November protest, held by Fonda herself, she vowed that she would never purchase another article of clothing. Fonda gave credit to the one and only Greta Thunberg for inspiring her to take the pledge. At the Oscars a few weeks ago, Fonda wore the same dress she wore in 2014, and in the high fashion society this is usually considered a major faux pas. However, Fonda looks better than ever. If we stop and think about how truly ridiculous it is that female celebrities are expected to wear a new dress to every event, it completely makes sense to upcycle. The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, with millions of dollars’ worth of clothing going to landfills each year. By recycling her old dress, Fonda not only sets an example for all of us, but she also proves that at 82, she’s still got it.

When she got arrested…five times

In an effort to combat climate change, Fonda held a series of protests titled “Fire Drill Fridays” in which she and a few celebrity pals marched and gained attention through acts of civil disobedience. Fonda argues that nonviolent protest is what will aid the fight against climate change and she’s willing to put herself on the line to do so. Fonda is advised by lawyers how to break the law enough to get arrested but not go to jail. However, she has slept behind bars and even celebrated her 82nd birthday bound by zip ties. Fonda proves that you’re never too old to make a difference and sometimes it takes more action than words.

She raised money for the Black Panthers and visited Angela Davis in prison

Fonda supported Huey Newton and the Black Panthers in the early 1970s and advocated supporting civil rights with money, but also love. Fonda even adopted Mary Williams, who is a woman born to Black Panther parents in the 1970s because her home life was plagued with alcoholism. Fonda also visited Angela Davis, American political activist and academic, in Marin County Jail and talked with her about everyone coming together to stop repression in America. Fonda spoke to civil rights when it wasn’t popular for a young actress to do so and she did so with empathy and genuine love for everyone she came across.

For most of her life, Fonda was plagued by a picture taken of her on an anti-aircraft gun during a 1972 trip to North Vietnam; this was a gun that would’ve been used to shoot down American planes. The photograph earned Fonda the nickname “Hanoi Jane” and despite notable efforts to speak out against propaganda and the Pacifist Movement, Fonda was effectively blacklisted in Hollywood. A lot of critics still label Jane as a traitor and punish her for it, but Fonda’s intent has always been to take herself out of her own elite, privileged world and use her resources, knowledge and good nature to help those that need it more than she does. Fonda’s actions, for better or for worse, have made her the notable icon she is today.

Mary Shanahan

Wilfrid Laurier '21

Mary is a fourth-year English student at Wilfrid Laurier University.
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Sarah McCann

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Sarah is a fourth year Communications and Psychology major at Wilfrid Laurier University who is passionate abut female empowerment. She is one of two Campus Correspondents for the Laurier Her Campus Chapter! Sarah loves dancing, animals, photography, ice cream, and singing super obnoxiously, in no particular order.