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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

For the Foodie Couple

Homemade Pizza 

Cooking a meal is often something seen as a chore that needs to be done, but it doesn’t have to be. Spending time in the kitchen with your significant other preparing a meal not only results in some yummy food to share, but the experience of cooking together can be a lot of fun, too. A no-fail cooking date is homemade pizza-completely customizable, and who doesn’t love pizza!? Go wild with toppings you both like, and you can even be extra cute and put your pepperoni in the shape of a heart.

Cooking Show

This takes cooking together to a whole new level. If you and your special someone find yourselves binge-watching the Food Network, then this one will be right up your alley. Pick a show, like Chopped, and recreate it in your own kitchen. Create mystery boxes of ingredients for each other beforehand, set a time limit, and see what culinary masterpieces emerge!

For the Couple Who Likes to Drink

Brewery or Vineyard Tour

Chances are, there are tons of breweries and vineyards that offer tours in and around your city- a quick Google search, and you’re on your way. A date where you learn about something, plus get to day drink without judgement? Sounds like a win-win situation. 

For the Adventurous Couple

Escape Room

Escape rooms have been growing in popularity over the past several years, and it’s a great team-building activity. It’ll force you to work together and solve puzzles, with the pressure of the ticking clock as your motivation. You’ll put your communication skills to the test, and have a lot of fun doing it! 

Personalized Scavenger Hunt

Make a scavenger hunt for your significant other, either in your house, neighbourhood, or even a city-wide hunt. The options here are endless! Making clues about things that have happened in your relationship can be a fun way to remember the times you have spent together in the past, and at the same time, you’re making even more memories together. Or you could opt for a photo scavenger hunt, and when you’re done, you’ll have dozens of new photos of the two of you.

For the Shopaholic Couple


I would only recommend this if you both really like to shop, otherwise, it’ll only be fun for one of you. But shopping is a fun way to spend time together, and you can play stylist for each other, too! Getting your partner to try on ridiculous outfits will result in endless laughing together, and probably some pretty funny photos as well. Take it a step farther and challenge each other to buy an outfit for the other on a budget to add a little bit of competition to your shopping outing.

For the Couple Who Likes to Give Back

Volunteer Together

Giving back is such an important part of life, so why not incorporate that into your relationship? Research opportunities in your city, whether it’s serving meals to the homeless, delivering toys at a children’s hospital, or spending some time at a centre for at-risk youth. It will feel good to work together to make the world a little bit better. And let’s face it, there’s nothing sexier than seeing your partner selflessly helping others.

For the Competitive Couple

Board Game Café 

If you and your significant other find yourselves spending a Friday night battling it out on the Monopoly board, hit up your local board game café for a date night that you’ll both love. Cafes like this usually have hundreds, so you can try something new without forking out the cash to buy it, or you can stick to your tried-and-true favourites, too. Just take turns letting each other win so the competition doesn’t get too nasty.

For the Sentimental Couple 

Recreate Your First Date

Your first date all over again, minus the awkward pauses between the “get-to-know-you” conversation. No matter what it was, try and keep it authentic as possible. Not only will this help you reminisce about the first time you went out together, it’ll also show you how far you have come as a couple. 

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Lacey Jantzi

Wilfrid Laurier

Emily Waitson

Wilfrid Laurier '20

Emily is a twenty-something fourth-year student majoring in English and History. She has a passion for writing, internet-famous cats, and sappy books.