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Campus Profile: Khalil Olasimbo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Name: Khalil Olasimbo

Hometown: Oakville

Birthday and Age: June 2nd 1998, 18 years old

Year: First year

Program: Computer Science


Why did you choose Laurier?

First, because I was accepted, but the location of Laurier was also a big factor in my decision because it’s close enough to visit home but far enough that I didn’t have to commute. I also like how small the campus is and how sociable the people are that go here. Before coming to Laurier, I knew some students who were enjoying their time here but I mostly chose Laurier because I was interested in joining the football team.

If you could describe your first year experience in four words, what would they be?

Hard. Amazing. Great. Friends.

What residence did you live in and how was your experience?

Bouckaert — I loved it so much. It represents me and my entire first year experience. I created memories and bonds with friends in Bouck that I will keep with me for life.

What is your favourite first year experience? 

My favourite experience of first year would have to be late night jam sessions I held in my room. Anyone was welcome and we would jam all night with the guitar, drums and ukulele until at least 3-4am. Everyone played a part and we were all living high on life.

What was the hardest part of first year?

The hardest part would have to be managing my time and consistently putting in the work for my academics. I found myself always having to leave residence to accomplish something, which is a hard task in itself because I loved being around my friends in residence.

Is being in university what you thought it would be?

Yes and no. Yes, because it’s a lot more work, which I was aware of before attending. It’s also way more fun than I could have imagined and I had a lot more freedom at university than I did at home. No, because I thought I would have done more outside of residence. Meaning I thought I would have explored the city of Waterloo. I’m excited to expand my horizons in my second year at Uni.

How did you get involved?

I was involved in a lot of athletic clubs and teams at Laurier, including RAC sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball and dodgeball. I also played flag football intramurals with my entire floor. Participating in Powderpuff was definitely a highlight of my athletic career at Laurier because my team was full of troopers and I made friends with students of all years. I also managed to accomplish my goal at Laurier of joining the Men’s Football team.

Photo courtesy of Kha Vo (@khatdvo)

Another way I contributed to the Laurier community that is not sports related is through Shinerama, where we fundraised money for cystic fibrosis. I loved every bit of getting involved at Laurier and made a lot of friends.

How do you think Laurier could improve?

Providing more food variety for students on weekends is a big one. Also, the laundry and microwaves in residence weren’t the best experience.

What advice would you give to a first-year student?

Do your work. But more importantly, enjoy your first year.


First year can be hard for so many reasons. Khalil found making friends and participating in the Laurier community was the key to enjoying a positive and unforgettable first year experience.


Three phrases that I live by and describe my personality best are:  Do what you love and give it everything you have. Everything happens for a reson let the universe guide you. All we need is love. - The Beatles