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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Meet this week’s campus cutie, Andrew Georgescu. He is President of The Link, self-proclaimed Waterloo food critic, and definitely one of the most hilarious guys on campus!

Age: 20

Program: Business 

Hometown: Mississauga

Relationship Status: I fall in love with any woman who’s willing to talk to me. So, still single.

Motto: “I think being funny is not anyone’s first choice.” – Woody Allen


What have you been involved with during your time at Laurier?

Probably the largest part my involvement at Laurier has been being part of The Link (within the SBESS). I went to their events in high school and loved it. They’re actually one of the reasons I came to Laurier and went into business. In my first year at Laurier, I knew I had to be part of this club, so I joined the case team. The following year I was the VP of finance, and in my third year I am now the Co-President of the club. I think it’s pretty safe to say I’d have no friends if it weren’t for The Link.

What are you passionate about? 

Getting as many likes on my Facebook photos as possible. I’m not an avid Instagram user yet, but when I get there I’m sure that will be next on my list.

How would your friends describe you?

I like to think they describe me as someone who lives and dies for the laugh. In reality, they’ve been quoted to say I’m a part-time Waterloo food critic and a full time sarcastic a**hole.

How would you describe yourself?

Smart, absolutely hilarious, and the most humble person you’ll ever meet. I’m also a 7 to 7.5, depending on my beard game.

3 things you can’t live without?

My glasses, my parents, and my best friends.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

It would either be that 5’8” would be considered tall, or that anything over 5’8’’ would be considered freakishly tall and unattractive.

Favourite hobbies when you’re not studying?

Feeling guilty about not studying, but still not doing anything about it.

It’s 3AM on a Friday night after the bar; what’s your go-to food joint?

Cheeses Murphys is definitely one of the greatest drunk food options. The saddest thing about it is that it’s only open on weekends. Recently, I stopped eating drunk food in an effort to get a 6 pack, but despite how I raised my abs to be friendly and outgoing they’re still very shy and choose not to show themselves.

Describe your perfect date. 

A girl comes to my comedy show, enjoys it, and we get drinks after. Of course, in this scenario I am a super successful stand-up comedian. In actuality, I ask tons of girls on dates all the time. None of them say yes, so I go out to dinner with my mom instead.

What’s your favourite Laurier memory?

I stayed in Waterloo for the summer of my first year and I was obviously playing MLSB (the summer softball league), and I remember having to make a bunch of new friends that summer. I really wanted to hit my first MLSB home run, and the whole season it wasn’t really working out for me. In my very last game, I finally hit a home run and all these new friends I made over the summer all hugged and congratulated me, and they bought my drinks the rest of the night. It was absolutely fantastic and it was definitely one of those moments when you realize that one of the best parts about going to Laurier has nothing to do with school, it has to do with the community.


What would you do if you found out you only have one year to live?

Travel and use my sob story to pick up women.

What “most likely to” superlative would you be honoured to receive?

I won “most likely to be famous” in high school, which I was very honoured to win. I guess Campus Cutie is a step in the right direction (all famous people were campus cuties, right?). I hope I become famous for something good…but I mean, I’ll take famous.

Something you like that everyone else seems to hate?

50s music.

Something you hate that everyone else seems to like?

Phil’s. I feel as if there’s this huge hype around Phil’s and, as much as I enjoy the activity of grinding, I hate that if you buy a girl a drink, at the end of the day you only paid $2.50. They’re not impressed. You gotta buy at least 2 or 3 drinks which is just a long process, you know?

Where would you want to meet your ideal woman?

Definitely at an airport. If you see a woman at an airport and you still think she looks hot, then that woman is really hot. She’s probably wearing sweatpants under a romper and 4 shirts to save packing space. Just imagine what she’s going to look like when she dresses up. That’s why when I go to the airport I dress to a T, just so I have a chance.

If you had the chance to live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go?

So, I’ve travelled quite a bit. I’ve been across the US, Central America, Asia, and Europe, and I think London is one of the greatest cities in the world.

Here’s my reasoning:

1. The women. They just have to talk and I fall in love.

2. They have a huge appreciation for cultural arts, and you don’t really see that in North American cities.

3. There’s no language barrier. It’s a great balance between what life is like in Canada and what life is like in Europe.

Guilty pleasure?

I love making out of place jokes. Anything that would make almost everyone in a room gasp. Jokes on the days of tragedies, race jokes, any kind of offensive jokes. I get tons of pleasure out of it but I definitely feel guilty (especially after the lawsuit).

What’s the most attractive quality someone can have?

I find I have an issue with being picky…For me, you have to be smart, but when we have a conversation I need to be genuinely interested in what you have to say. I’d say “substance” is a great word to describe what I’m going for. I like someone with substance. I’m interested in what they have to say, I’m excited to see them, they’re doing cool things, I admire them yet don’t envy them. So, substance.

Go-to drink?

Scotch. Every now and then when I want to feel really classy, I’ll get a scotch. I keep on getting called an old man but really, I’m just trying to get all the girls with daddy issues to find me at the bar.

Where would we most likely find you on a Friday night?

Chainsaw. Probably singing some kind of song that people won’t want to listen to at a bar. I love Bohemian Rhapsody or Sweet Caroline and they always pump people up. In general, I really hate music that’s played at bars, so when I get opportunity to pick the song I get really excited about it.

What are three things on your bucket list?

1.     Have my own Netflix comedy special. I really like stand up comedy, and one day I said to myself, Andrew, people don’t do stand up comedy their whole life. They start it now. Stand up comedy is something I would definitely enjoy doing, and something I would have to start kind of around now, which is a weird thing. You know?

2.     Visit every country in Europe.

3.     Get a girlfriend. That would be ideal…obviously I want to get married and have kids but you know, one step at a time.

Lightning Round!

Nickname: Daddy

Favourite artist: Group of 7

Coffee or Tea: Coffee. Just think of anything your classic white male would get from Starbucks. Maybe a flat white or cappuccino…nothing with pumps in it or that stupid sh*t.

Favourite pizza topping: Bacon (because it’s kosher)

Favourite snack: Sour Patch Kids (I can eat the whole bag of them in one sitting plus all the sugar at the bottom and sometimes even the plastic)

Celebrity Crush: Emma Watson (she only became sexy after her women’s movement…of course)

Celebrity lookalike: I get a lot of James Franco. I’ve never made out with Seth Rogan on a motorcycle while impersonating Kim and Kanye, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it.


Andrew, it was a pleasure interviewing you and we can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish during the rest of your time at Laurier!

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Pareesa Bina

Wilfrid Laurier

Pareesa is a fourth year Business student at Wilfrid Laurier University. When she isn’t studying or writing, you can find her lane swimming, reading a good book on her hammock, or browsing the lipstick aisle at Sephora. She loves to "wine and dine" with her best friends, travel and enjoy a daily dose of Earl Grey tea. Pareesa lives for good puns, a good laugh and good company. 
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Emily Webster

Wilfrid Laurier

You will typically see me with a large cup of tea and browsing social media under the fairy lights and reading up on my favourite lady bosses (Mindy Kaling let me be you please). Also my trivia regarding superheroes is endless. I have more music than time to listen to and someone definitely should consider taking away my blogging privileges. My love for pop culture is limitless and Netflix is the true MVP in my opinion. Contributor writer for HerCampus Laurier Stalk me and let's be friends here: Insta & Twitter: webofem