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20 Things I’ve Learned in 20 Years

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

In two decades you can learn a lot, mostly from trial and error…okay a lot of error. But hey, you gotta learn somehow. Here are the top 20 things I’ve learned by 20 from me to you.


1. Be Kind

Be kind to everyone. No matter who they are or what their story is, everyone deserves to be treated kindly.

2. Time Alone is Time well Spent

A bubble bath, a cozy night in with some Netflix, or even reading a book on your deck, anytime alone is time well spent. You deserve a break; time to reflect and chill out, so take that chance whenever possible.


3. You don’t have to have it all figured out/it’s okay to cry

You are human, after all!


4. Travel as much as you can

See the world while you are young. If you get the opportunity to go abroad, whether for pleasure or for study, take it all in.

5. Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s okay

As soon as you learn this you will be much happier. If someone doesn’t like you, don’t force it – it’s just better this way.


6. Don’t avoid confrontation

Although avoiding confrontation is the easy way of doing things, being straight up about whatever is bothering you is a much better way to handle things in the long run.


7. Be Silly

No matter what age you are, being silly and laughing until your stomach hurts brings so much joy to your life. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you can’t be silly sometimes!

8. Hard work pays off

Whether it is working your a** off for that job you’ve always wanted, or that huge final essay, your hard work and dedication will not go unnoticed.


9. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

If it’s in class, to your employer, or your significant other, there is no harm in asking a question. It will give you peace of mind and help you find the clarification you may be seeking.


10. Invest in a good pair(s) of jeans

This is important because a good pair of jeans is a staple item. Whether they’re for a night out, business casual, or even on campus, having this key piece of clothing on hand (and knowing you’ll look good) will make your life so much easier.

11. Save your money

This may seem obvious, but it’s way harder than it seems. Save your money now, and work your butt off in the summer – it will make your school year so, so, so much less stressful.


12. If things don’t turn out the way they’re supposed to, just go with the flow

Sometimes people cancel, or the universe just screws with you – don’t freak out, go with the flow and let things play out the way they are supposed to.


13. Keep a planner

Planning is key. Knowing when your assignments are due, when you work, or when you have a date is important. It keeps you calm and organized!


14. Cooking is a skill

If you get the chance to learn some good cooking techniques, do it! Learning to cook is such a process, especially when it’s only for one person; take the time and really get some staple dishes under your belt while you can.

15. Your parents are usually right

Yes, I hate to say it but they are almost always right, whether it’s about money, relationships, or even cleaning your room.


16. Celebrate the little things

You passed a test, you didn’t text your ex when you were drunk, and hell, you even folded all your clothes. You deserve to celebrate so grab a bag of chips, a glass of wine, and put on your favourite show. Celebrate!

17. Stay Humble

You are not the all-knowing figure in the sky so chill out. Admit your faults, be kind, and acknowledge that you are not perfect (and that’s okay). Stay humble and treat everyone with respect.


18. Learning will always be cool

If you get the chance to learn something new, do it. There is no such thing as being TOO smart. Plus, it may give you a leg-up when it comes to applying for things in the future.


19. Not everyone is a jerk – but some people really are

You will get screwed over and lose faith in people, but trust me, good people are out there and not everyone sucks.


20. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes

This one I sometimes struggle with, but the fact of the matter is that sometimes you need to do what’s best for you and put yourself first. It may seem selfish, but doing what’s right for you and in your best interest is sometimes the right thing to do!


Here are some that didn’t quite make the list but should be kept in mind: love unconditionally, sing in the shower, you don’t always have to go out, make time for yourself, do everything with love, everyone is beautiful, family comes first, be honest with yourself and others, a positive mindset leads to a positive lifestyle, never go to bed angry, coffee is always a good idea, say “I love you” more, and don’t be afraid to do something that scares you.


Life is a journey; enjoy the ride, Colliegettes!



Wilfrid Laurier '19

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